Chapter VII: Dispute Resolution
Part F: General Provisions applicable to Courts established by this Act

184. General provisions applicable to courts established by this Act


5, (Scope and execution of process.)
18, (Certified copies of court records admissible as evidence.)
25, (No process to be issued against judge except with consent of court.)
30, (Manner of securing attendance of witnesses or the production of any document.)
31, (Manner in which witness may be dealt with on refusal to give evidence or produce document.)
39, (Property not liable to be seized in execution.)
40, (Offenses relating to execution.) and
42 (Witness fees.)

of the Supreme Court Act, 1959 (Act No. 59 of 1959) apply, read with the changes required by the context, in relation to the Labour Court, or the Labour Appeal Court, or both, to the extent that they are not inconsistent with this Act.

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