Part C: Registrar of Labour Relations

108. Appointment of registrar of labour relations

1. The Minister must designate an officer of the Department of Labour as the registrar of labour relations to perform the functions conferred on the registrar by or in terms of this Act.


  1. The Minister may designate any number of officers in the Department as deputy registrars of labour relations to assist the registrar to perform the functions of registrar in terms of this Act.
  2. A deputy registrar may exercise any of the functions of the registrar that have been generally or specifically delegated to the deputy.

3. The deputy registrar of labour relations or if there is more than one, the most senior of them, will act as registrar whenever-

  1. the registrar is absent from the Republic or from duty, or for any reason is temporarily unable to perform the functions of registrar; or
  2. the office of registrar is vacant.

109. Functions of registrar

1. The registrar must keep-

  1. a register of registered trade unions;
  2. a register of registered employers' organizations;
  3. a register of federations of trade unions containing the names of the federations whose constitutions have been submitted to the registrar;
  4. a register of federations of employers' organisations containing the names of the federations whose constitutions have been submitted to the registrar; and
  5. a register of councils.

2. Within 30 days of making an entry in, or deletion from, a register, the registrar must give notice of that entry or deletion in the Government Gazette.

3. The registrar, on good cause shown, may extend or condone late compliance with any of the time periods established in this Chapter, except the period within which a person may note an appeal against a decision of the registrar.

4. The registrar must perform all the other functions conferred on the registrar by or in terms of this Act.

110. Access to information

1. Any person may inspect any of the following documents in the registrar's office-

  1. the registers of registered trade unions, registered employers' organisations, federations of trade unions, federations of employers' organisations and councils;
  2. the certificates of registration and the registered constitutions of registered trade unions, registered employers' organisations, and councils, and the constitutions of federations of trade unions and federations of employers' organizations; and
  3. the auditor's report in so far as it expresses an opinion on the matters referred to in section 98(2)(b)(ii).

2. The registrar must provide a certified copy of, or extract from, any of the documents referred to in subsection (1) to any person who has paid the prescribed fee.

3. Any person who is a member, office-bearer or official of a registered trade union or of a registered employers' organisation , or is a member of a party to a council , may inspect any document that has been provided to the registrar in compliance with this Act by that person's registered trade union, registered employers' organization or council.

4. The registrar must provide a certified copy of, or extract from, any document referred to in subsection (3) to any person who has a right in terms of that subsection to inspect that document and who has paid the prescribed fee.

5. The registrar must provide any of the following information to any person free of charge-

  1. the names and work addresses of persons who are national office-bearers of any registered trade union, registered employers' organization, federation or council;
  2. the address in the Republic at which any registered trade union, registered employers' organisation, federation or council will accept service of any document that is directed to it; and
  3. any of the details of a federation of trade unions or a federation of employers' organisations referred to in section 107(1)(a), (c) and (e).
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