Tariff of Fees in respect of Occupational Therapy Services

General Rules Governing the Tariff

001 Unless timely steps are taken (at least two hours) to cancel an appointment for a consultation the relevant consultation fee shall be payable by the employee.

002 In exceptional cases where the tariff fees is disproportionately low in relation to the actual services rendered by the practitioner, a higher fee may be negotiated. Conversely, if the fee is disproportionately high in relation to the actual services rendered, a lower fee than that in the tariff should be charged.

003 The service of an occupational therapist shall be available only on written referral by a medical practitioner.

004 In the case of prolonged or costly treatments these would only be embarked upon after negotiations between the referring medical practitioner, occupational therapist and the Commissioner.

005 After a series of 80 units (R2 240.00) for the same condition, the medical practitioner must re-evaluate the employee's condition and submit a report to the Commissioner, in which the necessity for further treatment is indicated.

006 "After hours treatments" shall mean those performed by arrangement at night between 18:00 and 07:00 on the following day or during weekends between 13:00 Saturday and 07:00 Monday. Public holidays are regarded as Sundays. The fee for all treatments under this rule shall be the total fee for the treatment plus 50 per cent. This rule shall apply for all treatments given in the practitioner's rooms, or at a nursing home or private residence only by arrangement when the patient's condition necessitates it. Modifier 0006 must then be quoted after the appropriate tariff number to indicate that this rule is applicable.

008 The provision of aids or assisitive devices shall be charged at cost. Modifier 0008 must be quoted after the appropriate code numbers to show this rule is applicable.

009 Materials used in the construction of orthoses will be charged as per Annexure "B" for the applicable garment. Modifier 0009 must be quoted after the appropriate code numbers to show that this rule is applicable.

010 Materials used in treatment shall be charged at cost. Modifier 0010 must be quoted after the appropriate tariff numbers to show that this rule is applicable.

011 When the occupational therapist perform treatments away from his/her premises, travelling costs shall be charged as follows: R1,00 per km for each kilometre in excess of 16 kilometres total travelled in own car e.g. 19 km total = 3 x R1,00 = R3,00.

012 The occupational therapist shall submit the account for treatment under the Act to the employer of the employee concerned.

Modifiers Governing the Tariff

0006 Add 50% of the total fee for the treatment.

0008 Aids or assistive devices to be charged at cost.

0009 Materials used for orthosis or pressure garments to be charged as per Annexure "B".

0010 Materials used in treatment to be charged at cost.

0011 Travelling cost as indicated in Rule 011.

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