Chapter V: Claims for compensation

38. Notice of accident by employee to employer

1) Written or verbal notice of an accident shall, as soon as possible after such accident happened, be given by or on behalf of the employee concerned to the employer, and notice of the accident may also be given as soon as possible to the commissioner in the prescribed manner.

2) Failure to give notice to an employer as required in subsection (1) shall not bar a right to compensation if it is proved that the employer had knowledge of the accident from any other source at or about the time of the accident.

3) Subject to section 43, failure to give notice to an employer as required in subsection (1), or any error or inaccuracy in such notice, shall not bar a right to compensation if in the opinion of the Director-General--

  1. the compensation fund or the employer or mutual association concerned, as the case may be, is not or would not be seriously prejudiced by such failure, error or inaccuracy if notice is then given or the error or inaccuracy is corrected;
  2. such failure, error or inaccuracy was caused by an oversight, absence from the Republic or other reasonable cause.

4) If a seaman or airman meets with an accident, the person in command or the owner of the ship or aircraft, as the case may be, shall for the purposes of this section and sections 39, 40, 41 and 43 be deemed to be the employer.

39. Notice of accident by employer to commissioner

1) Subject to the provisions of this section an employer shall within seven days after having received notice of an accident or having learned in some other way that an employee has met with an accident, report the accident to the commissioner in the prescribed manner.

2) For the purposes of subsection (1) an employer referred to in section 84(1)(a)(i) means, in the case of--

  1. the national and provincial spheres of government, the respective heads of department referred to in section 7(3) of the Public Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation No. 103 of 1994);
  2. Parliament, the Secretary to Parliament;
  3. a provincial legislature, the Secretary of the provincial legislature in question.


  1. a) An employer referred to in section 84(1)(a)(ii) shall within 60 days after the commencement of this Act, and an employer referred to in section 84(1)(a)(iii) shall within 30 days after having been granted exemption under section 84(2), furnish the commissioner with the name of a person who shall be responsible to report on behalf of such employer accidents as required by subsection (1) (in this section referred to the 'responsible person').
  2. If such employer individually liable thereafter designates some other person as the responsible person such employer shall within 30 days after such designation notify the commissioner thereof in the prescribed manner.

4) Notwithstanding subsection (1) the Director-General may upon application authorize an employer individually Liable to report accidents at such intervals and in such manner as the Director-General may determine.

5) An employer referred to in section 84(1)(b) shall report accidents to the mutual association concerned in the prescribed manner.

6) An employer, excluding an employer referred to in section 84(1)(a)(i), (ii) and (iii), who fails to comply with subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence.

7) For the Purposes of this section an accident includes any injury reported by an employee to his employer, if the employee when reporting the injury alleges that it arose out of and in the course of his employment and irrespective of the fact that in the opinion of the employer the alleged accident did not so arise out of and in the course thereof.

8) If an employer, excluding an employer referred to in section 84(1)(a)(i), (ii) and (iii), fails to report in the prescribed manner an accident which has happened to an employee in his, her or its service within seven days after having received notice thereof or having learned thereof in some other manner, the Director-General may impose a fine of not more than the full amount of the compensation payable in respect of such accident upon him, her or it in addition to any other penalty to which he, she or it may be liable.

9) If a fine is in terms of subsection (8) imposed upon an employer referred to in section 84(1)(b), and is paid to the Director-General or recovered by him, such fine shall be paid over to the mutual association concerned.

10) For the purposes of subsection (8) compensation includes the cost of medical aid and any amount paid or payable in terms of section 28, 54(2) or 72(2) and, in the case of a pension, the capitalized value as determined by the Director-General of the pension, irrespective of whether a lump sum is at any time paid in Lieu of the whole or a portion of such pension in terms of section 52 or 60, and periodical payments or allowances, as the case may be.

11) If the Director-General is of the opinion that the failure referred to in subsection (8) was not willful or was due to a cause over which the employer had no control or that the payment of the full amount of the compensation payable in respect of such accident, including the capitalized value as determined in subsection (10), will probably result in the insolvency of the employer concerned or, in the case of an employer that is a company, its liquidation, the Director-General may on such conditions as he may think fit--

  1. reduce or remit any fine imposed by him;
  2. permit the employer to pay the fine in such instalments as he may determine.

12) An employer shall at the request of an employee or the dependant of an employee furnish such employee or dependant with a copy of the notice of the accident furnished by the employer to the commissioner in respect of a claim for compensation by such employee or dependant.

40. Inquiry by Director-General Into accident

1) The Director-General shall, after having received notice of an accident or having learned in some other way that an employee has met with an accident, make such inquiry as he may deem necessary to enable him to decide upon any claim or liability in terms of this Act.

2) An employee or employer shall, at the request of the Director-General, furnish such further particulars regarding the accident and injuries concerned as the Director-General may require.

3) The Director-General shall, at the request of an injured employee or his employer, furnish such information as the Director-General may deem necessary to enable that employee or employer to comply with the provisions of this Act.

4) An employer who fails to comply with the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offence.

5) Notwithstanding section 4(1)(c), the Director-General may refuse to adjudicate on the claim of an employee who fails to comply with subsection (2).

41. Particulars in support of claim

1) An employee who has met with an accident shall, when reporting the accident or thereafter at the request of the employer or commissioner, furnish such information and documents as may be prescribed or as the employer or commissioner may direct.

2) Subject to section 62, an employer shall within seven days after having received a claim, medical report or other documents or information concerning such claim send such claim, report, documents or information to the commissioner.

42. Employee to submit to medical examination

1) An employee who claims compensation or to whom compensation has been paid or is payable shall when so required by the Director-General or the employer or mutual association concerned, as the case may be, after reasonable notice, submit himself at the time and place mentioned in the notice to an examination by the medical practitioner designated by the Director-General or the employer or mutual association concerned.

2) Such expenses incurred by the employee to comply with the provisions of this section as the Director-General may deem necessary and reasonable, and the prescribed remuneration for a medical examination in terms of this section, shall be paid by the party requiring the examination.

3) If, in the opinion of any medical practitioner, the employee is not capable of calling upon the designated medical practitioner, the employee shall inform the party requiring the examination thereof or cause him to be so informed, and the designated medical practitioner shall then examine the employee at a time and place as agreed upon.

4) An employee shall be entitled at his own expense to have a medical practitioner or chiropractor of his choice present at an examination by a designated medical practitioner.

43. Claim for compensation


  1. A claim for compensation in terms of this Act shall be lodged by or on behalf of the claimant in the prescribed manner with the commissioner or the employer or the mutual association concerned, as the case may be, within 12 months after the date of the accident or, in the case of death, within 12 months after the date of death.
  2. If a claim for compensation is not lodged as prescribed in paragraph (a), such claim for compensation shall not be considered in terms of this Act, except where the accident concerned has been reported in terms of section 39.

2) Notwithstanding subsection (1)(a) a claim for compensation by any seaman or airman may be lodged with the person in command of the ship or aircraft concerned, as the case may be, except if such seaman or airman is himself the person in command.

3) If any seaman or airman meets with an accident outside the Republic resulting in death, a claim for compensation shall be instituted within 12 months after news of the death has been received by any dependant claiming compensation.

4) The provisions of section 38 shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of any failure to institute a claim or in respect of any error or inaccuracy in a claim instituted in terms of this section.

44. Prescription

A right to benefits in terms of this Act shall lapse if the accident in question is not brought to the attention of the commissioner or of the employer or mutual association concerned, as the case may be, within 12 months after the date of such accident.

45. Consideration of claim

1) The Director-General shall consider and adjudicate on a claim for compensation, and for that purpose may carry out such investigation as he may deem necessary or he may formally hear the claim.

2) If the Director-General decides upon a formal hearing, he shall in the prescribed manner give notice of the date, time and place of the hearing to the claimant and employer.

3) If the Director-General considers it necessary that any person, including the claimant and the employer, should be present at a formal hearing to be interrogated, he may issue a subpoena for the appearance of such witness.

4) Upon application by a person who in the opinion of the Director-General has a sufficient interest in the subject of a formal hearing, the Director-General shall issue a subpoena for the appearance of a person except if he is of the opinion that such person cannot further the investigation, in which case the Director-General shall issue a subpoena only if the party applying therefore deposits with the Director-General a sum sufficient to cover the necessary expenses to be incurred by the witness as well as the cost of the service of such subpoena.

5) The provisions of section 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a person subpoenaed in terms of subsection (3) or (4).

6) The Director-General may from time to time adjourn a formal hearing to a date, time and place determined by him.

7) The Director-General shall keep or cause to be kept a record of the proceedings at a formal hearing, and upon payment of the prescribed fees any person may obtain a copy of such record.

46. Appearance of parties


  1. Every party to a claim for compensation or his representative may appear before the Director-General at a formal hearing.
  2. The Director-General may designate any person to investigate a claim, attend a formal hearing, cross-examine witnesses, adduce rebutting evidence an Present arguments.

2) No person other than an advocate or attorney shall be entitled to any fees or remuneration except such necessary expenses as the Director-General may allow.

3) No fees or remuneration shall be claimed from an employee or employer except with the approval of the Director-General.


  1. The Director-General may of his or her own motion or on an ex parte application by a party to a claim for compensation, order any attorney employed by such party or a representative who has allegedly, contrary to subsection (2), claimed fees or remuneration, to submit to him or her a statement showing what he or she has received or contracted to receive from his or her client, and to submit for taxation his or her bill of costs, including attorney and client costs, against such client.
  2. Upon such taxation the Director-General may allow such fees, costs and expenses as he may consider reasonable in the circumstances.
  3. If an amount has been paid in excess of the amount allowed upon taxation, the excess shall be refunded to the person concerned, and any agreement in terms of which such an excess is otherwise payable shall be void as to that excess.

5) The provisions of subsections (2), (3) and (4) shall also apply to any act in connection with a claim for compensation which is not the subject of a formal hearing.

6) Any person who agrees or attempts to collect any money contrary to the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offence.