Schedule 3 Chemical Hazards

Hazard What is the Risk How to avoid the Risk
Anaesthetic gases Exposure to anaesthetic gases during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage. Exposure to high concentrations of anaesthetic gases should be avoided during pregnancy.
Carbon Monoxide Risks arise when engines or appliances using petrol, diesel and liquefied petroleum gas are operated in enclosed areas. Carbon monoxide can result in the foetus being starved of oxygen. Occupational exposure to carbon monoxide should be avoided during pregnancy and breast-feeding.
Antimitotic (Cytotoxic) drugs Exposure to antimitotic drugs. which are used for treating cancer, damages genetic information in human sperm and egg cells. Some of these drugs can cause cancer. Absorption is by inhalation or through the skin. Workers involved in the preparation and administration of antimitotic drugs should be afforded maximum protection Direct skin contact can be avoided by wearing suitable gloves and gowns. Pregnant employees potentially exposed to cancer drugs should be offered the option of transfer to other duties.
Ethylene oxide Ethylene oxide is used mainly in sterilising procedures in hospital. Exposure may occur when sterilised goods are transferred to the aerator after the cycle is complete and when changing the gas tanks. Health risks can be minimised by reducing worker exposure during transfer when the steriliser door is opened. Pregnant employees exposed to ethylene oxide above the acceptable level should be transferred to other duties.
Lead Exposure of pregnant and breast-feeding employees to lead affects the nervous system of young children and is detrimental to child development. Contact with lead should be avoided during pregnancy and breast-feeding. The Lead Regulations issued under OHSA must be complied with. These Regulations specify, levels at which employees must be withdrawn from exposure to lead.
Mercury and mercury derivatives Organic and inorganic mercury compounds can have adverse effects on the mother and foetus. Women of childbearing age should not be exposed to mercury compounds.
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) PCBs can cause deformities in the child. Maternal exposure before conception can also affect foetal development as PCBs can be passed on to the foetus through the mother's blood. No pregnant women should be exposed to PCBs at work.
Organic solvents Exposure to organic solvents including aliphatic hydrocarbons, toluene and tetrachloroethylene can lead to miscarriage and have a detrimental effect on the foetus. Pregnant women should be protected to exposure against these organic solvents.
Pesticides and herbicides Exposure to certain pesticides and herbicides is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage and can adversely affect the development of the child. Exposure to pesticides and herbicides should be avoided or minimised.
Alcohol Foetal alcohol syndrome can lead to physical and mental abnormalities in children. Workers in the beverage, catering and associated industries, including wine farming, are particularly at risk. Where appropriate, employees should be informed of and counselled in the hazards associated with foetal alcohol syndrome.
Tobacco smoke Tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide and carcinogenic and other harmful substances. Smoking and the inhalation of environmental smoke affects foetal blood supply and can lead to retarded growth and development and more early childhood diseases. Smoking carries an increased risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Care should be taken to ensure that women employees are able to work without being exposed to tobacco smoke.

Schedule 4 Biological Hazards

Hazard How to avoid the Risk Cytomegalovirus Employees should be required to maintain high standards of personal hygiene, wash their hands after each patient contact and use gloves when handling potentially contaminated wastes in order to minimise the risk of infection. Hepatitis General precautions must be taken for all forms of hepatitis. Vaccination is the most effective means available of preventing hepatitis B. Workers must take particular care to avoid mucous membranes and skin coming into contact with potentially contaminated blood or other secretions. HIV Universal precaution is important for workers potentially exposed to HIV. Health care workers should take precautions to prevent needle-stick injuries and exercise care when handling the blood, tissues or mucosal areas of all patients. Rubella (German measles) Rubella vaccine is the most effective means of preventing the disease, and susceptible employees should be immunised. Pregnancy should be avoided for 3 months after vaccination. Varicella (Chicken pox) It is advisable to identify employees who have not previously had chicken pox. Pregnant employees who are known not to be immune to chicken pox and who are exposed to an active case should report to a physician. Toxoplasmosis gondii Control measures against toxoplasmosis gondii for women of reproductive age include high standards of personal and environmental hygiene; the sanitary disposal of cat faeces and avoiding contamination by cat faeces of soil to be tilled for agriculture.
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