Code of Good Practice on the Protection of Employees during Pregnancy and after the Birth of a Child

1. Introduction

1.1 Many women work during pregnancy and many return to work while they are still breast-feeding.

1.2 The objective of this code is to provide guidelines for employers and employees concerning the protection of the health of women against potential hazards in their work environment during pregnancy, after the birth of a child and while breast-feeding.

2. Application of the Code

2.1 This code is issued in terms of section 87(1)(b) of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) 75 of 1997.

2.2 It is intended to guide all employers and employees concerning the application of section 26(1) of the BCEA which prohibits employers from requiring or permitting pregnant or breast-feeding employees to perform work that is hazardous to the health of the employee or that of her child.

2.3 Workplaces may be affected differently depending upon the type of business and sector they are engaged in and the physical, chemical and biological hazards to which employees may be exposed in the workplace.

2.4 The norms established by this code are general and may not be appropriate for all workplaces. A departure from the code may be justified in the proper circumstances. For example, the number of employees employed in an establishment may warrant a different approach.

3. Contents

This code -

3.1 sets out the legal requirements relevant to the protection of the health and safety of pregnant and breast-feeding employees;

3.2 sets out a method for assessing and controlling the risks to the health and safety of pregnant and breast-feeding employees;

3.3 lists the principal physical, ergonomic, chemical and biological hazards to the health and safety of pregnant and breast-feeding employees and recommends steps to prevent or control these risks. These are listed in Schedules One to Four, which are included for guidance and are not exhaustive.

4. Legal Requirements

4.1 The Constitution protects the right to bodily and psychological integrity, which includes the right to make decisions concerning reproduction [section 12(2)] and gives every person the right to health services, including reproductive health care [section 27(1)(a)].

4.2 No person may be discriminated against or dismissed on account of pregnancy.

4.3 Employers are required to provide and maintain a work environment that is safe and without risk to the health of employees. This includes risks to the reproductive health of employees. These duties are established in terms of both the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) 85 of 1993 and the Mine Health and Safety Act (MHSA) 27 of 1996. Key aspects of these Acts are -

     4.3.1 employers must conduct a risk assessment, which involves identifying hazards, assessing the risk that they pose to the health and safety of employees. and recording the results of the risk assessment.

     4.3.2 employers must implement appropriate measures to eliminate or control hazards identified in the risk assessment;

     4.3.3 employers must supply employees with information about and train them in the risks to their health and safety and the measures taken to eliminate or minimise them;

     4.3.4 elected worker health and safety representatives and committees are entitled to participate in the risk assessment and control of hazards;

     4.3.5 employees have a duty to take reasonable steps to protect their own health and safety and that of other employees.

5. Protecting the Health of Pregnant and Breast-Feeding Employees

5.1 Section 26(1) of the BCEA prohibits employers from requiring or permitting a pregnant employee or an employee who is breast-feeding to perform work that is hazardous to the health of the employee or the health of her child. This requires employers who employ women of childbearing age to assess and control risks to the health of pregnant or breast-feeding employees and that of the foetus or child.

5.2 Employers should identify, record and regularly review -

     5.2.1 potential risks to pregnant or breast-feeding employees within the workplace;

     5.2.2 protective measures and adjustments to working arrangements for pregnant or breast-feeding employees.

5.3 Where appropriate, employers should also maintain a list of employment positions not involving risk to which pregnant or breast-feeding employees could be transferred.

5.4 Employers should inform employees about hazards to pregnant and breast feeding employees and of the importance of immediate notification of pregnancy.

5.5 Workplace policies should encourage women employees to inform employers of their pregnancy as early as possible to ensure that the employer is able to identify and assess risks and take appropriate preventive measures.

5.6 The employer should keep a record of every notification of pregnancy.

5.7 When an employee notifies an employer that she is pregnant her situation in the workplace should be evaluated. The evaluation should include -

     5.7.1 an examination of the employee's physical condition by a qualified medical professional;

     5.7.2 the employee's job;

     5.7.3 workplace practices and potential workplace exposures that may affect the employee.

5.8 If the evaluation reveals that there is a risk to the health or safety of the pregnant employee or the foetus, the employer must -

     5.8.1 inform the employee of the risk;

     5.8.2 after consulting the employee and her representative, if any, determine what steps should be taken to prevent the exposure of the employee to the risk by adjusting the employee's working conditions.

5.9 The employee should be given appropriate training in the hazards and the preventive measures taken.

5.10 If there is any uncertainty or concern about whether an employee's workstation or working conditions should be adjusted, it may be appropriate in certain circumstances to consult an occupational health practitioner. If appropriate adjustments cannot be made, the employee should be transferred to an alternative position in accordance with section 26(2) of the BCEA.

5.11 Employers must keep the risk assessment for expectant or new mothers under regular review. The possibility of damage to the health of the foetus may vary during the different stages of pregnancy. There are also different risks to consider for workers who are breast-feeding.

5.12 Arrangements should be made for pregnant and breast-feeding employees to be able to attend antenatal and postnatal clinics as required during pregnancy and after birth.

5.13 Arrangements should be made for employees who are breast-feeding to have breaks of 30 minutes twice per day for breast-feeding or expressing milk each working day for the first six months of the child's life.

5.14 Where there is an occupational health service at a workplace, appropriate records should be kept of pregnancies and the outcome of pregnancies, including any complications in the condition of the employee or child.

6. The Identification and Assessment of Hazards

6.1 Physical hazards

The control of physical hazards in the workplace includes the recognition, evaluation and control of-

     6.1.1 exposure to noise, vibration, radiation, electric and electromagnetic fields and radioactive substances;

     6.1.2 work in extreme environments;

     6.1.3 control of the thermal environment (heating and air conditioning).

Schedule One describes the extent to which certain of these physical agents may constitute a hazard to the health and safety of pregnant and breast-feeding employees and suggests methods to prevent or control these hazards.

6.2 Ergonomic hazards

The application of ergonomics involves ensuring that work systems are designed to meet the employee's needs for health, safety and comfort. A range of ergonomic risk factors may pose hazards to the health and safety of pregnant and breast-feeding employees and should be identified and assessed as part of the risk assessment programme. These include -

     6.2.1 heavy physical work;

     6.2.2 static work posture;

     6.2.3 frequent bending and twisting;

     6.2.4 lifting heavy objects and movements requiring force;

     6.2.5 repetitive work;

     6.2.6 awkward postures;

     6.2.7 no rest;

     6.2.8 standing for long periods;

     6.2.9 sitting for long periods.

Schedule Two describes the extent to which some of these factors may constitute a hazard to the health and safety of pregnant and breast-feeding employees and suggests methods to prevent or control these hazards.

6.3 Chemical hazards

Contact with harmful chemical substances may cause infertility and foetal abnormalities. Some chemicals can be passed to the baby during breast-feeding and could possibly impair the health and the development of the child.

The Hazardous Chemical Substances Regulations, 1995, issued under OHSA apply to all employers who carry out activities, which may expose people to hazardous chemical substances. These employers must assess the potential exposure of employees to any hazardous chemical substance and take appropriate preventive steps. The Regulations set maximum exposure levels for some 700 hazardous chemical substances.

The Hazardous Chemical Substances Regulations require employers to inform and train employees about, and in any substance to which they are or may be exposed. This must include information on any potential detrimental effect on the reproductive ability of male or female employees.

Regulation 7(1) of the General Administrative Regulations, 1996, under OHSA requires manufacturers, importers, sellers and suppliers of hazardous chemical substances used at work to supply a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) which must include information on any reproductive hazards. Every employer who uses a hazardous chemical substance must be in possession of the relevant MSDS and must make it available on request to affected persons.

With the exception of the Lead Regulations, there are no regulations, which set maximum exposure levels of specific applications for women of childbearing age or pregnant women.' In view of the absence of occupational health standards for the exposure of pregnant or breast-feeding women to chemical substances, care should be taken to minimise exposure to chemicals, which can be inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through the skin. Where this cannot be achieved, employees should be transferred to other work in accordance with section 26(2) of the BCEA.

Chemical substances that are known or suspected to constitute a hazard to pregnant or breast-feeding women and to the foetus or child are listed in Schedule Three below.

6.4 Biological hazards

Many biological agents, such as bacteria and viruses, can affect the unborn child if the mother is infected during pregnancy. Biological agents may also be transferred through breast-feeding or by direct physical contact between mother and baby. Health workers, including service workers in health-care facilities and workers looking after animals or dealing with animal products are more likely to be exposed to infection than other workers. Employees who have close contact with young children, such as teachers and edu-care workers, are at increased risk of exposure to rubella (German measles) and varicella (chicken pox).

Universal hygiene precautions are required to prevent disease. These include high standards of personal hygiene, surveillance of staff in high-risk areas, appropriate sterilisation and disinfecting procedures, designation of person to be responsible for health and safety, the use of protective clothing and gloves and the avoidance of eating or smoking in laboratories or other risk areas.

Some of the biological agents that are known to constitute a hazard to the health of breast-feeding or pregnant women are listed in Schedule Four.

7. Aspects of Pregnancy that may Affect Work

Employers and employees should be aware of the following common aspects of pregnancy that may affect work:

7.1 As a result of morning sickness employees may be unable to perform early shift work. Exposure to nauseating smells may also aggravate morning sickness.

7.2 Backache and varicose veins may result from work involving prolonged standing or sitting. Backache may also result from work involving manual handling.

7.3 More frequent visits to the toilet will require reasonable access to toilet facilities and consideration of the employee's position if leaving the work she performs unattended poses difficulties.

7.4 The employee's increasing size and discomfort may require changes of protective clothing, changes to work in confined spaces and changes to her work where manual handling is involved. Her increasing size may also impair dexterity, agility, co-ordination, speed of movement and reach.

7.5 The employee's balance may be affected making work on slippery or wet surfaces difficult.

7.6 Tiredness associated with pregnancy may affect the employee's ability to work overtime and to perform evening work. The employer may have to consider granting rest periods.

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