The Minister may make a sectoral determination establishing basic conditions of employment for employees in a sector and area.
A sectoral determination must be made in accordance with this Chapter and by notice in the Gazette.
The Minister must determine terms of reference for the investigation, which must include--
The Minister must publish a notice in the Gazette setting out the terms of reference of the investigation and inviting written representations by members of the public.
If an organisation representing employers or employees in a sector and area makes a written request to the Minister to investigate conditions of employment in that sector and area, the Minister must either--
For the purposes of conducting an investigation in terms of section 52(1), the Director-General may--
A person may not refuse to answer any relevant question by the Director-General that he or she is legally obliged to answer.
On completion of an investigation, and after considering any representations made by members of the public, the Director-General must prepare a report.
A copy of the report must be submitted to the Commission for its consideration.
When advising the Minister on the publication of a sectoral determination, the Commission must consider in respect of the sector and area concerned--
After considering the report and recommendations of the Commission contemplated in section 54(4), the Minister may make a sectoral determination for one or more sector and area.
If the Minister does not accept a recommendation of the Commission made in terms of section 54(4), the Minister must refer the matter to the Commission for its reconsideration indicating the matters on which the Minister disagrees with the Commission.
After considering the further report and recommendations of the Commission, the Minister may make a sectoral determination.
A sectoral determination may in respect to the sector and area concerned--
Any provisions of a sectoral determination may apply to all or some of the employers and employees in the sector and area concerned.
A sectoral determination in terms of subsection (1)--
The Minister may not publish a sectoral determination--
The provisions of a sectoral determination remain binding until they are amended or superseded by a new or amended sectoral determination, or they are cancelled or suspended by the Minister.
If a collective agreement contemplated in section 55(6)(a) or (b) is concluded, the provisions of a sectoral determination cease to be binding upon employers and employees covered by the agreement.
The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette--
Before publishing a notice of cancellation or suspension in terms of subsection (3)(a) the Minister must, by notice in the Gazette, announce the intention to do so, and allow an opportunity for public comment.
If a matter regulated in this Act is also regulated in terms of a sectoral determination, the provision in the sectoral determination prevails.
Unless a sectoral determination provides otherwise, every employer on whom the sectoral determination is binding must--
give a copy of that sectoral determination--
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