Module 3: Toxicology -
Section 3: Linking Chemical Exposures and Health Effects |
TOX 3.9: Information Resources |
Internet resources
- Important links to information have been added to the Chemicals, OELs, MSDS, Transport, Mining and Online Training pages (World Links) of ASOSH.ORG (http://www.asosh.org). The mirror site for asosh.org is http://asosh.tripod.com
- Links for South African legislation and brief summaries of SABS standards are found via the Legislation and Standards pages (Southern Africa component).
Printed materials
- American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
- 2001 TLVs and BEIs, 2001.
- Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices. ACGIH, 6th edition, 1991.
- Health and Safety Executive (HSE), UK
- A step by step guide to COSHH assessment. Booklet HS(G) 97.
- COSHH Essentials: Easy steps to control chemicals, 1999.
- The Technical basis for COSHH essentials: Easy steps to control chemicals, 1999.
- International Labour organization, ILO
- Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety 4th Edition 1998.The ILO encyclopaedia is also available on CD-ROM and by subscription at http://www.ilocis.org/
- Journals/Books
- Ehrlich R. Occupational medical surveillance. Continuing Medical Education 1996; 14(9): 1301-1310.
- Hutchinson LJ, Amsler RW, Lybarger JA, Chappell W. Neurobehavioural Test batteries for Use in Environmental Health Field Studies. Atlanta: Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry (ATSDR), 1992.
- Johnson BL. Prevention of Neurotoxic Illness in Working Populations. Chichester: Wiley, 1987.
- Anger et al. Comparison of performance from three continents on the WHO-recommended neurobehavioural core test battery (NCTB). Environ Res 1993: 62:125-147.
- Lauwerys RR, Hoet P. Industrial Chemical Exposure: Guidelines for Biological Monitoring. Lewis Publishers, 2nd edition, Ann Arbor, 1993.
- Matte TD, Fine L, Meinhardt TJ, Baker EL. Guidelines for medical screening in the workplace. Occup Med 1990; 5(3): 439-56.
- Patty
- Toxicology. In Patty�s Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Eds Clayton GD, Clayton FE. John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 4th edition, Volume 2 (A-F), 1994.
- Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), UK
- COSHH in laboratories, 1996
- Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee
- Stanton D, Jeebhay MF. Chemical hazards. In Guild R, Ehrlich RI, Johnston JR, Ross MH, eds. Handbook of Occupational Health Practice in the South African Mining Industry, 1st edition, Johannesburg, South Africa, Safety In Mines Research Advisory Committee (SIMRAC), 2001;257-293.
- South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)
- SABS 0228 (1995) The identification and classification of dangerous substances and goods
- SABS 0229 (1996) Packaging of dangerous goods for road and rail transportation in South Africa
- SABS 0231 (2000) Transportation of dangerous goods - Operations requirements for road vehicles
- SABS 0232-1 (2000) Transportation of dangerous goods - Emergency information systems Part 1: Emergency information system for road transportation
- SABS 0232-2 (1997) Transportation of dangerous goods � Emergency information systems Part 2: Emergency information system for rail transportation
- SABS 0232-3 (2000) Transportation of dangerous goods - Emergency information systems Part 3: Emergency response guides
- SABS 0232-3 Annex A Emergency response handbook
- SABS ISO 11014-1 (1994) Safety data sheet for chemical products Part 1: Content and order of sections
- SABS 0265 (1999) The classification and labelling of dangerous substances and preparations for sale and handling
- South African Society of Occupational Medicine (SASOM)
- SASOM Scientific Committee on Biological Monitoring. Medical and Environmental Surveillance Guidelines. February 2000.

Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Health (DOH) - Modules 3: Occupational Medicine & Toxicology (Basic) by Profs Mohamed Jeebhay and Rodney Ehrlich, Health Sciences UCT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 South Africa License. Major contributors: Mohamed Jeebhay, Rodney Ehrlich, Jonny Myers, Leslie London, Sophie Kisting, Gail Todd, Neil White. Source available from here. For any updates to the material, or more permissions beyond the scope of this license, please email healthoer@uct.ac.za or visit www.healthedu.uct.ac.za.
Last updated Jan 2007.
Disclaimer note: Some resources and descriptions may be out-dated. For suggested updates and feedback, please contact healthoer@uct.ac.za.