Answer to Question #1:

Respiratory: itchy eyes and nose, wheezing and shortness of breath
Skin: itchy skin rash.

(Back to exercise, Question #2)

Answer to Question #2:
Irritant Allergic
Symptoms after first exposure Symptoms after repeated exposure (latency period)
Usually associated with very high exposures Can occur with very low exposures
Symptoms due to local response May have systemic response affecting more than one body system
Most exposed workers affected Some workers affected (host risk factors e.g. atopic)

(Back to exercise, Question #3)

Answer to Question #3:

(Back to exercise, Question #4)

Answer to Question #4:

High molecular weight since it is an enzyme of protein origin.

(Back to exercise, Question #5)

Answer to Question #5:

Type 1 - IgE-mediated (immediate) allergic reaction.

(Back to exercise, Question #6)

Answer to Question #6: