Lifting and Lowering:

The figure on the right shows the basic numerical limits for lifting and lowering. These guideline weight limits can be applied

  • If the load can be easily grasped.
  • The working environment is reasonable, and the body is stable.

If the hands enter more than one of the box zones during the task, then the smallest weight limit should be used.

Twisting: The handled weights should be lowered by about 10% if the handler twists by about 45 degrees and by 20% if he twists by 90 degrees.
Frequency: The guideline weights are for tasks that are done less than 30 times an hour. The figure should be reduced by 30% if the operation is repeated once or twice a minute, by 50% if the operation is repeated 5 to 8 times per minute, and by 80% is the task is repeated by 12 times a minute.
Carrying: The load should not be carried more than 10 m. without stopping to rest.

Handling while seated:

The figure on the left shows the seating weight limit

Handling must be done with the boxed zone

Manual materials handling - pushing, pulling and carrying:

Whether the load is slid, rolled or on wheels, the maximum force for starting or stopping is 25 kg and the maximum force for keeping the load in motions is 10 kg. Note from GRD: Force is not measured in kg, but in newtons (N). The values would then depend on the acceleration the user imparts to the load. Comments ?

Creative Commons 

General Introduction to Occupational Health: Occupational Hygiene, Epidemiology & Biostatistics by Prof Jonny Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 South Africa License