You will find references to readings within the relevant modules on the CD. The reading is part of the examinable syllabus. Exam questions will test application, however, and not memorised detail.

South African legislation  (see the various Sections for links to the web at or follow links on in the contents menu to relevant legislation) where appropriate          

The ILO Bookshelf - including the Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety (4th edition). These are now also available free on the web at

Chapter 2: Cancer

Chapter 7: Nervous system

Joseph LaDou. LaDou J. Current Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 3rd Edition. Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, 2004

Chapter 14: Fitness to work, disability and compensation

Chapter 15: Occupational haematology

Chapter 22: Liver toxicology

Chapters 25 and 26: Female and male reproductive toxicology


Guild R, Ehrlich RI, Johnston JR, Ross MH, eds. Handbook of Occupational Health Practice in the South African Mining Industry, 1st edition, Johannesburg, South Africa, SIMRAC, 2001

Ch. 9: Chemical hazards

Other readings referred to in modules:


Lead Regulations 2001 – see legislation section

Ehrlich & Myers (editorial). Control of occupational exposure to lead. S. Afr. Med. J

1991; 80: 260-261

Ehrlich et al.  Lead absorption and renal dysfunction in a South African battery factory. Occup Environ  Med 1998;55:453-460. Ehrlich R.  Occupational medical surveillance.  S Afr J CME 1996;14(9):1301-1309.

Govender M, Ehrlich RI, Mohammed A.  (article) Notification of occupational diseases by general practitioners in the Western Cape. S Afr Med J. 2000;90(10):1012-4

Industrial Health Research Group. Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act. (Manual).

Levin et al.  Clinical Evaluation and management of lead exposed construction workers. Am J Ind Med 2000; 37:23-4 Rees & Cantrell. No need for milk in the prevention of occupational illness. Occup Health Southern Afr 1995; 1(4): 25.

Creative Commons License
Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Health (DOH) - Modules 3: Occupational Medicine & Toxicology (Basic) by Profs Mohamed Jeebhay and Rodney Ehrlich, Health Sciences UCT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 South Africa License. Major contributors: Mohamed Jeebhay, Rodney Ehrlich, Jonny Myers, Leslie London, Sophie Kisting, Rajen Naidoo, Saloshni Naidoo. Source available from here. For any updates to the material, or more permissions beyond the scope of this license, please email or visit Last updated Jan 2007.
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