Block 1: Epidemiology


At the end of this session you should have an understanding of the relationship between the OR and the IRR


The relationship between the Odds Ratio, OR, and the Incidence Rate Ratio, IRR, is a little more difficult to grasp.

  D+ D-  
E+ a c M1
E- b d M0
  N1 N0 T

From the table above it can be seen that

IRR = I1/I0 = (a/PYR1)/(b/PYR0)

   a is the number of disease cases in the exposed group
   b is the number of disease cases in the non-exposed group
   PYR1 is the person-years in the exposed group
   PYR0 is the person-years in the unexposed group

If the controls are representative of the exposure distribution in the population that generates the cases, then c and d should be good estimators of PYR1 and PYR0.

And so, IRR ~ ad/bc

Interactive Examples

The Examples listed below have been included in order to illustrate the concepts discussed in this Section.

Question 1 Question 3 Question 5
Question 2 Question 4 Question 6

Creative Commons 

General Introduction to Occupational Health: Occupational Hygiene, Epidemiology & Biostatistics by Prof Jonny Myers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 South Africa License