Public Folder
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- everlytic
- #Shawco67.jpg
- 1. Undergraduate Health Science Faculty Student Demands.pdf
- 1st Announcement 2016.doc
- 1st Child Adolescent Mental Health Conference.pdf
- 2. Shutdown Friday - PGHSSC.pdf
- 2nd Announcement 2015.pdf
- 2nd Announcement 2016.doc
- 2nd UCT Lupus Workshop_Program.pdf
- 3. Free To Leave - Health Science Students Council.pdf
- 3 August 2016.png
- 3rd South African Vestibular Course - Cape Town - July 2016.pdf
- 4 Pimstone Lecture 2015 final.pdf
- 4 Pimstone Lecture.pdf
- 5 Jack Brock Lecture.pdf
- 8sep.jpg
- 9sep.jpg
- 14 April Pathology Seminar.pdf
- 25 Feb 2016 Pathology Seminar.pdf
- 26_07p283_292comm_wakleyandhighlights.pdf
- 30th May - Dr John Parker.pdf
- 2014_New_Immigration_Act_Summary Final.rtf
- 2014 Academic Lecture - February - March.docx
- 2014 Academic Lecture - February - March(1).docx
- 2014 Clinical booking form.doc
- 2014 Falling Walls LAB poster.pdf
- 2014 Falling Walls LAB poster(1).pdf
- 2014 Invitation.pdf
- 2015.06.02+Prof+B+Bloom.jpg
- 2015 Application form.doc
- 2016_IDMSoccerTournament_MadHattersPenaltyShot.jpg
- 2016_IDMSoccerTournament_TeamFinance.jpg
- 2016_IDMSoccerTournament_Winners.jpg
- 2016_MMED TrainingWorkshopcalendar_08Mar16.pdf
- 2016 Ad Hom Process Flow and Timeline.pdf
- 2016 Call for Research Output - Health Sciences.pdf
- 2016 EDCTP timesheet template.xlsx
- 2016 Gap Cover Newsflash.pdf
- 2016 Invitation for Ad Hominem Promotion.pdf
- 2016 Mini Research Day Poster.pdf
- 2016 MMED Training Workshop calendar.pdf
- 2016 PBL Sessions and Meetings.pdf
- 2016 PC02 Exams Policy Manual.docx
- 2016 Procurement Internal Year End Deadlines.docx
- 2016 Procurement Internal Year End Deadlines.docx
- 2016 Solly Marks Memorial Lecture- Prof David Metz (2).pdf
- 2017_CRC_Course-Calendar_flyer.pdf
- 2017_CRC_Course-Calendar_flyer (2).pdf
- 2017_CRC_Course-Calendar_MMEDs.docx
- 2017.02.08 Karen Sliwa-Hahnle.pdf
- 7311 Advert Hamilton Naki Clinical Scholarship 2014.pdf
- 7311 Advert Hamilton Naki Clinical Scholarship 2014 HPFL__Sun world_Sowetan Pole.pdf
- 7311 Advert Hamilton Naki Clinical Scholarship 2014 HPFL_Business Day Pole.pdf
- 7656 Hamilton Naki Clinical Scholarship Advert HPFL Pole-bday.pdf
- 8053 Hamilton Naki Clinical Scholarship Advert 2016 HPFL Pole.pdf
- 22642 (#24049) Project Manager Advertisement.pdf
- 150505_AfRSEN_flyer_v2.pdf
- 151106 Research Fellow Ad.pdf
- 160714-Pharmacoeconomics workshop 2016-Flyer 2.pdf
- 160810-Clinical Investigator and Site Staff Course 2016.pdf
- 20140820_115845.jpg
- 20150307 Letter to medical persons Salt and the Playroom.pdf
- 20150617_092238.jpeg
- 20160112 draft PTY6001W 2016.pdf
- AACR AORTIC Capacity Building for Cancer Research Workshop_advert _final.pdf
- AAH Workshop Poster .pdf
- Abe Bailey Bursary Summary 2014.rtf
- Abe Bailey Poster.png
- Abrams_flyer_13nov_r1.pdf
- abstract_form.doc
- Abstract guidelines 2015.docx
- Abstract guidelines 2015(1).docx
- Abstract guidelines 2016.docx
- Abstract guidelines 2016.docx
- Abstract submission form 2015 - updated.docx
- Abstract submission form.docx
- Abstract submission form.docx
- Abstract submission form.docx
- Abstract submission form.docx
- Abstract submission form(1).docx
- Abstract submission form(2).docx
- abundant life flyer.jpg
- ACA39 SSA deferred exams at home institution.docx
- Academic Lecture - April (002).pdf
- Academic Lecture - August.pdf
- Academic Lecture - July.pdf
- Academic Lecture - June[1].jpg
- Academic Lecture - March.pdf
- Ad Hominem Invitation 2015.pdf
- Admin-Assistant.pdf
- Administrative Assistant_150916.pdf
- Administrative Assistant_Masi 171016.pdf
- Administrative Support Co ordinator.docx
- Adolescent coordinator.doc
- Adolescent Project Lead.pdf
- ADOPT full link.pdf
- ADOPT full link.png
- Advanced_Survival_Analysis_flyer.pdf
- ADVERT 16 nov 2016 (002).pdf
- Advert_CC_final.pdf
- Advert_CC_final.pdf
- Advert_CC_final(1).pdf
- Advert_IDM_Awadalla Seminar Advert_29 Feb 2016.pdf
- Advert_RA_October Masiphumelele (002).pdf
- Advert_workshop_2.pdf
- Advert_workshop.pdf
- Advert_workshop(1).pdf
- Advert.pdf
- Advert for a new UCT course LAB5012F in 2014.pdf
- Advert genetic counselling programme.pdf
- Advert HOD IBS presentations 8 April.dotx
- Advert HOD IBS presentations 8 April(1).dotx
- Advertising.pdf
- Advertising(1).pdf
- Advertising(2).pdf
- Advert of proposal on the CMS experts directory Final Version.docx
- Advert ONMF South Africa.pdf
- Advert South Africa - 2015.doc
- Advert South Africa - 2015.pdf
- Advert South Africa - 2015(1).pdf
- Advert World Union Lung Conference 18 November 2015 F.jpg
- AEC Notification for pending studies.pdf
- AEIOU - Airway Endoscopy for Intubation Workshop - Poster 2015_0812.jpg
- Africa-Month-drumming-dynamic-image-2.jpg
- Africa-Month-drumming-dynamic-image.jpg
- Africa Month drumming event.pdf
- Agenda_EMBL-DST Session_05 Oct_2016.pdf
- Agenda Acid Fast Club 10th May 2016_full.pdf
- AGM 2014 notice to members 2015.pdf
- AHRU-Postdoc_Advertisement.pdf
- AHRU-Postdoc Application Form.docx
- Airways Masterclass Invitation for delegates UCT 13 Feb 2016.pdf
- Airways Masterclass Invitation UCT 13 Feb 2016.pdf
- airways masterclass invite_october.pdf
- Alere determine agenda draft1- 20 april.pdf
- ALT poster EN with web - 8.5x11 inches - PRINT.PDF
- AMEE_sessions.jpg
- AM Registration Form 2014.pdf
- Anaesthesia Research Day Programme 10 Oct.pdf
- anatomy Tar Site03.pdf
- animal-lab.png
- animal-lab-updated.png
- Animal Research Compliance notification.pdf
- ANNEXURE 2.dotm
- Announcement UNILEAD-Southern Africa_final Version (2).pdf
- anthroplogy-seminar.png
- Anthropology Departmental Seminar list final v2.pdf
- Anurag Mairal - seminar 7Aug2014.pdf
- AO Mocumbi Lecture.pdf
- APCDR Studentship and Fellowship Call Application.pdf
- Application form_Cairo viral hepatitis workshop FINAL.docx
- AREF_Fellowship_2016_Flyer_English_FINAL[2][1].pdf
- AREF-CoE_Flier_Recruitment_2016_Final.pdf
- AREF COE FLYER_African Scientists_Final_v2.pdf
- Article.pdf
- Article(1).pdf
- ASCO ANNOUNCEMENT 04.02.2014.pdf
- ASCO ANNOUNCEMENT 04.02.2014(1).pdf
- ASPIRE results releaseEMBARGO.pdf
- ASSAf Lecture Invitation_Prof Philip Awadalla_UCT.pdf
- Associate Prof nominations 2014.docx
- August 2014 Invitation to Short course (1).pdf
- AU poster.pdf
- Author's guidelines SAHR 2017_1Aug2016.pdf
- Bamford Decolonizing Bioethics May 2016.pdf
- BBI Schedule 2014.doc
- BBI SYMPOSIUM 2014_poster_updated.pdf
- BBI Symposium 2014 Flyer.pdf
- BBU fellowship advert.pdf
- BBU fellowship advert.pdf
- BCN 2017 - Pillars of Practice First Announcement.jpg
- BenatarFeb16.pdf
- Best 2013 Publication Awards Ad 2014.docx
- Best 2014 Publication Awards 19062015.docx
- Best 2014 Publication Awards.docx
- Best 2014 Publication Awards(1).docx
- Best Publication_12 AUG 2016.pdf
- Best Publication_12 AUG 2016(1).pdf
- Best Publication_12 AUG 2016(2).pdf
- Best Publication Award Application form_2.doc
- Best Publication Award letter 2014.doc
- Best publication postgrad award_31 August 2016.pdf
- Biobank 5 Aug 2016 Invitation.pdf
- BioBank_registration_formFinal.pdf
- biobanking.jpg
- BioBank poster_20151120_Final.pdf
- BioBank poster_20151120_Final(1).pdf
- BioBank Symposium 2016 - Program.pdf
- Bioethics Day Progamme 2014.pdf
- Bioethics Day Progamme 2014(1).pdf
- bioethics-seminar-2015.png
- Bioethics Symposium Progamme 2015.pdf
- Bioethics Symposium Progamme 2015(1).pdf
- Bioethics Symposium Progamme 2015 updated.pdf
- Bioethics Symposium Programme 2016.pdf
- Bioethics Symposium Programme 2016(1).pdf
- Biosketches-Speakers.pdf
- BIRTH - New beginnings for training in data intensive research applications for health.pdf
- Black Swan and Psychiatry.pdf
- BMJ Internal Advert 2015 FINAL.pdf
- BMS2016_Cois.pdf
- BMS2016_Justine.pdf
- BMS2017_Lange.pdf
- Book Drive Poster_Draft 3_25 Nov 2015.pdf
- book-launch-flyer.pdf
- Bosch African Fellows Call Jan 21 2016 (2).pdf
- Branded-merchandise-poster-1.jpg
- Brochure uctprintproof-1.pdf
- Brochure uctprintproof-1(1).pdf
- Brochure uctprintproof-1(2).pdf
- BSc Audiology_30 September 2016.docx
- BSc Occupational Therapy _30 September 2016[1].docx
- BSc Physiotherapy_29 September 2016.docx
- BSc Speech-Language Pathology_30 September 2016.docx
- BSP_stakeholders_invite.pdf
- Business Administration Certificate (RPL).pdf
- BWise 20140226 Afr.pdf
- BWise 20140226 Eng.pdf
- CafeConvo_0107.pdf
- Call_for_Manuscripts_A4.pdf
- Call for Abstracts April 2014.docx
- Call for Abstracts April 2014.docx
- Call for Abstracts April 2014.docx
- Call for Abstracts July 2015 - updated.pdf
- Call for Abstracts July 2016.docx
- Call for Abstracts July 2016.docx
- Call for Abstracts July 2016.pdf
- Call for abstracts poster.pdf
- CALL FOR ABSTRACTS research day.docx
- Call for Abstracts SA Homicide Research Colloquium.pdf
- Call for Abstracts v2[3].pdf
- Call for Abstracts v2[3](1).pdf
- Call for Abstracts v2[3](2).pdf
- Call for applications - SFARS awards 2014.docx
- Call for applications - SFARS awards 2014(1).docx
- Call for applications SIR-2014 Institutions.pdf
- Call for applications SIR-2015 Institutions.pdf
- Call for applications SIR-2016.pdf
- Call for Chapt Flyer_AD15Aug2016.pdf
- Call for Demonstrator Training Workshop - February 2016.pdf
- Call for papers 2014 website.pdf
- Call for participants_Cairo viral hepatitis workshop FINAL.docx
- Call For Proposal Application Format.docx
- Call For Proposal Application Format.docx
- Call for proposals.pdf
- Call for St St proposals_Oct 2014.pdf
- Call for Students_Clinical Neurosciences_SARChI.pdf
- cancer research grants 2015.htm
- CANSA advert 2014.jpg
- CANSA Shavathon 2016 advert.jpg
- Cape Town.pdf
- Cape Town Acid Fast Club3.pdf
- CapeTownApplicationForm11March2015x.docx
- Cape Town Cardiac disease in pregnancy Academic Programme .pdf
- Cape Town flyer application form 2014 FINAL.pdf
- Cape Town TB Dx course flyer 21 September 2015.pdf
- Cape Town TB Dx course flyer.pdf
- Catherine-Day-Vitality(3).jpg
- Catherine-Day-Vitality(4).jpg
- Causal_methods_flyer.pdf
- CDIA REVIEW Programme.pdf
- Cell and Developmental Biology Symposium - Announcement and Program.pdf
- Cell Biology Seminar 15 Aug.pdf
- Cell Biology Seminar 25th August.pdf
- CEU-logo.png
- Chem path poster.pdf
- Child rights and child law for health and allied professionals invitatio....pdf
- Child rights and child law for health and allied professionals invitatio...(1).pdf
- Child rights and child law for health and allied professionals invitatio...(2).pdf
- Child rights and child law for health and allied professionals invitatio...(3).pdf
- Child rights and child law for health and allied professionals invitation 2015 - 12 May.pdf
- Child Rights Course
- CHSE 2016 Poster.pdf
- CHT Funding Parameters 2015.pdf
- civilution 2014.png
- Claude_Leon_Pdoc_2015_application form.pdf
- CLIC Program March 15 (version Feb 3).pdf
- CLIC Registration Form March 2015.pdf
- Clinical Investigator and Site Staff Certification Course 2016.pdf
- Clinical Nurse Practitioner_050816.doc
- Clinical Nurse Practitioner_050816.pdf
- Clinical Nurse Practitioner_170117.pdf
- Clinical Operations Manager.pdf
- Clinical Research Nurse Coordinator_adDec2016_JP.docx
- Clinical Research Workshop.jpg
- CloudStorage in teaching.pdf
- CloudStorageOct2015.jpg
- CLS HUB Research Day Programme 2nd September 2015.pdf
- Colloquium_1_A4.pdf
- Colloquium_20May.pdf
- Colloquium on HE policy and Social Justice13th June.pdf
- Colloquium Speech and Gesture 5th September 2014.docx
- Communication to Research Community.pdf
- Community and General Paediatrics Flier 2016-17-A.pdf
- Community and General Paediatrics Flier 2017 for 2018.pdf
- Community Liaison Officer_010217.pdf
- Community Liason Officer_211016.pdf
- Computer Lab 2017.pdf
- Conditions for Ada and Bertie Levenstein (Department of Medicine) Bursaries.doc
- conference 2014 FINAL emailer.pdf
- Control flyer v0 3_Faculty Daily INformer.pdf
- Control flyer v0 3_Faculty Daily INformer(1).pdf
- Control flyer v0 3_Faculty Daily INformer (2).pdf
- Control flyer v0 3_Faculty Daily INformer till Sept.pdf
- Control flyer v0 4_Faculty Daily INformer.pdf
- Copy of Full NAOP Ad 2014 - New.pdf
- Cortex Club 2015.png
- Cortex Club Neuroscience Symposium.pdf
- course-lab-aninal-science-2016.png
- Course Schedule_Nurses GI Endoscopy 2016.pdf
- Course Schedule_Nurses GI Endoscopy 2016.pdf
- Course Schedule_Nurses GI Endoscopy 2016.pdf
- Course Schedule_Nurses GI Endoscopy 2016(1).pdf
- Course Schedule_Nurses GI Endoscopy_Nov 2016.pdf
- CP_4 August_Margo.pdf
- CPD event Division of Human Nutrition and ADSA.pdf
- CPD UCT DHN Flyer 2015.pdf
- CRaCL_application_form_2014.pdf
- CRaCL_application_form_2014(1).pdf
- CRACL Application form 2016.pdf
- CRACL Application form 2016(1).pdf
- CRACL Application form 2016(2).pdf
- CRACL Application form 2016(3).pdf
- crc-data managers forum.png
- CRC flyer_08Sep20142.jpg
- CRC flyer_08Sep20143.jpg
- CRC flyer_13June2014.docx
- CRC MMED_ResearchMethodsWorkshop_Sept16.docx
- CRC MMED training workshop_2016 Feb.pdf
- CRC MMed Training Workshop -November 2015[1].docx
- CRC Qual Methods Forum Flyer_14Aug2014.pdf
- CRC Qual Methods Forum Flyer_20Oct2014.pdf
- CRC Qual Methods Forum Flyer_25Sep2014.pdf
- CRC Qual Methods Forum Flyer_27Nov2014.pdf
- CRC Supervisor_Workshop - 3Dec15[1].docx
- CRC Workshop_program - 3Dec15.docx
- CRC Workshop Registration form.docx
- CRG_overview (2013)_SA.pdf
- CRG_overview (2013)_SA.pdf
- CRG-Novartis-Africa_call 2016_UCT revised deadline.docx
- CRG-Novartis-Africa_mobility programme_call 2016_UCT.docx
- CRG-Novartis-Africa_mobility programme_call 2017 (UCT).docx
- CRI funding opportunity announcement 2015.pdf
- CRI funding opportunity announcement.docx
- CRI funding opportunity announcement(1).docx
- CRI seminar announcement 30 August 2016.pdf
- critical-skills-list.pdf
- CUBIC article JUN15.pdf
- CUBIC extended hours.pdf
- CUBIC Private Scans APR16.pdf
- Cuthbert Crichton Invitation 20 November 2014.doc
- CV Rolf Kortmann - PBTW 2014.pdf
- Danis Xavier lecture (002).pdf
- darwin lecture 2014.png
- Darwin Seminar 27 August 2015.pdf
- DARWIN SEMINAR Janusz Paweska.png
- Darwin Trust PhD studentship Randall 2014.pdf
- Data Capturer_231116.pdf
- Data Management seminar invitation_FHS 2016.pdf
- Data-Manager-130516-1.pdf
- Data Manager_100816.pdf
- Data Manager_221116.pdf
- Data Managers Forum_20160216.pdf
- Data Managers Forum_20160816.pdf
- David Reid talks 15 3 16.pdf
- David Reid talks 17.3.16.pdf
- DD Training Invite update including 2 sessions in July.docx
- deadline extension Medical Humanities Conference 2014.pdf
- Dean's Open forum 8 October 2014.pdf
- Dean's Open Forum invitation.pdf
- death-matter.JPG
- Death Matters PLC announce.jpg
- Death Matters PLC announce.pdf
- DELL.jpg
- Department of Medicine Thursday Forum Solly Marks Memorial Lecture-electronic invitation.pdf
- Dept O&G Registrar Research Day 27 June 2014.doc
- desk.jpg
- Desmond Tutu.png
- DHRS-2nd announcement.pdf
- DHRS PG - Data Analysis Workshop Timetable - June 2014.pdf
- DiagProg_flyer_final.pdf
- Dikakapa tutor advert (1).jpg
- DIPLOMICS high level description - 24 Oct 2014.pdf
- Directions to COSAT.pdf
- Disability and Social Inclusion Final Full brochure with registration form.docx
- Discovery Foundation awards 2016 NH.xlsx
- Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Short Course 2015.pdf
- Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Short Course 2015.png
- Division of Human Nutrition CPD meeting.docx
- DMC Reg Form.docx
- documentary_screening.png
- DOF HRC.pdf
- DOHAD 2015 Main Programme Final 17 Sep 2015.htm
- DOHAD2015savethedate3.png
- DOHaD OP Programme[5][1].pdf
- DOHaD Satellite workshop flier.pdf
- Draft Programme 16.07.2014.docx
- Draft Programme_Cape Town.pdf
- Draft Programme.pdf
- DRAFT PROGRAMME V6_Violence Prevention_Sept16.pdf
- Dr Alan Aderem.jpg
- Dr Choi-Hatter.pdf
- Dress red day 2.jpg
- Dress Red Day.jpg
- drg'sbiosketch April 2014 [1].doc
- drg'sbiosketch April 2014 [1](1).doc
- drgsbiosketch April 2014 [1].doc
- Driver_241116.pdf
- Driver.pdf
- Dr Mary Bassett_Public Health_FINAL.pdf
- Dr Paolo Vicini_SeminarAbstract.pdf
- DST Science Awareness Day.png
- DTHC flyer 2017.pdf
- DTHC flyer.pdf
- DTHF Grant Coordinator Advert 100%- June 2015 revised.doc
- ebola-epidemic-seminar-invitation.png
- Ebolo Seminar 28 Oct 2014 no textbox.docx
- ECG Registration Form.docx
- Economic Evaluation for the Uninitiated - Primer2016.pdf
- Economic Evaluation for the Uninitiated - Primer2016(1).pdf
- EDU Journal Club October 2014.docx
- EE rep training 2016.pdf
- EE rep training 2016(1).pdf
- EE Rep Workshop 2015.docx
- effective presentations using powerpoint.jpg
- Endorsement Inclusive Healthcare Innovation Powered by Students.pdf
- EPHPA2014_A4.pdf
- EPHPA2016_Flyer_3Dec2015_1.pdf
- EPHPA 2016 Entry Form_Final_30Nov2016.docx
- EPHPA2017 Flyer_final.pdf
- EPHPA Author's guidelines SAHR 2016_Final_30Nov2015.pdf
- Eppendorf Invite - The Mac Club, UCT Medical School.pdf
- eProcurement implementation notice ED Finance 29.7.15.pdf
- E-reminder satellite session2.pdf
- eResearch-Africa-poster.jpg
- eResearch-seminar-series-invitation-2017_web.pdf
- Essay Competition Flyer.2016.pdf
- Essentials_for_the _Clinical _Research_Supervisor_Workshop.pdf
- Ethics in Health Research Final A used.pdf
- Evidence to Action Save the Date.pdf
- EXTEND DEADLINE Call for Institutes.pdf
- EXTEND DEADLINE Call for Institutes(1).pdf
- extend-teaching-offcampus.jpg
- External RFQ Collaborating Centres.pdf
- Faculty-apparel-poster-1.jpg
- faculty-assembly-banner.png
- Faculty of Health Sciences 2017 Postdoc call.docx
- Faculty of Health Sciences 2017 Postdoc call.docx
- Falling Walls poster High Res.pdf
- Feb2016 with stickum.pdf
- FEC Cape Town Flyer 2016.pdf
- FEC Flyer.docx
- FEC Flyer.pdf
- FEC Flyer(1).pdf
- FEC reg form FEB 2015 - new.docx
- Fellowship-Health-Innovation.pdf
- FHS_3084_PHCD_SiteCoordinator.doc
- FHS_51201_RO_CIDER (2).doc
- FHS_51203_RO_CI.PDF
- FHS_60511_CommunityLiaison_DTHC.pdf
- FHS_60812_RO_CIDER.doc
- FHS_60909_RO_SRO_Pysch.pdf
- FHS_61220_SciOfficer_Virology (1).doc
- FHS_ProjMan_ResearchOffice_May14.doc
- FHS amazing race invite.jpeg
- FHS Blanket Drive (1).png
- FHS-ELearning-August.jpg
- FHS eProcurement information session.docx
- FHS-InstitutesProposalGuidelines-updated-Jun2015.pdf
- FHS-Postdocs-call-for-2015.docx
- FHS-Postdocs-call-for-2016[1].docx
- FHS-Postdocs-call-for-2016[1].docx
- FHS presentation by Ombud Oct 2014.jpg
- FHS-SARCHI-2015.docx
- FHS show and tell 6 Sep 2016.jpg
- FHS show and tell 6 sep.jpg
- FilmInvitation.pdf
- FINAL AD Johannes Krause.pdf
- Final Announcement 2014.doc
- Final Announcement 2015.doc
- Final Announcement 2015(1).doc
- Final Announcement 2016.pdf
- Final Announcement 2016(1).pdf
- Final call for papers_website.pdf
- FINAL conference programme 2015.pdf
- Final Invitation.pdf
- Final programme_with venue.pdf
- final SII-PII Colloquium Programme_30 July 20151 jc.pdf
- Finance and procurement officer_180716.pdf
- Finance Officer_081116.pdf
- Flier 2016-A.pdf
- Flyer for ear science research ESIA and ESC, UWA.PDF
- Flyer Marikana_16 April 2014.pdf
- Flyer Marikana_16 April 2014(1).pdf
- foe abstract deadline.jpg
- FoE Abstract Deadline Mailer.pdf
- Food Drive Poster.pdf
- Food Drive Poster.pdf
- Forensic mental health conference.pdf
- fossil-free.png
- Foundation_Awards_2015_-_Application_Book.pdf
- Foundations of Evidence Call For Abstracts-Final.pdf
- Free Data Management workshop-27 Oct.jpg
- Full NAOP Ad 2014 - New.pdf
- Full NAOP Ad 2014 - New(1).pdf
- Full NAOP Ad - New.pdf
- FUNDING AND FEES. MBCHB presentation RM.SHK 23.10.2016.pdf
- FUNDING AND FEES. staff presentation SHK.RM 28.10.2016.pdf
- FUNWALK.docx
- G20.10 Procedure for concession for exams at another venue TG 2016.docx
- Gap Cover Window period 2016 application form.pdf
- General DOHaD announcement.pdf
- genetics awareness day.png
- GHTSA_Forum1_20160113.pdf
- GHTSA&UCTCRC_UCTEthicsFormCompletion-AdviceSession_19Nov2014.pdf
- GHT UCT BL2016_13Jun2016.pdf
- GHT UCT BL2016_13Jun2016(1).pdf
- GHT UCT Careers day_02Jun2016.jpg
- GHT UCT Meeting_25Aug14.pdf
- Global Health Fellows Programme - UCT summary advert.pdf
- global health film festival.png
- global health fim festival.png
- Gold Advertisement.jpg
- gold-invite.jpg
- GoogleClsrm19Aug2015.jpg
- Gordon-Research-Conference.PNG
- Gordon-Research-Conference(1).PNG
- GP2015 Provisional Programme.pdf
- GP2015 Registration Form.doc
- GPconfPGMblue-17sept15.pdf
- GP DAY invite-email.pdf
- GP Reg Form.doc.pdf
- Graduate Study at Oxford Information Session[2].docx
- Grand Rounds July 2015 Noticeboards 2015.jpg
- Grand Rounds July 2015 Noticeboards 2015.pdf
- Grand Rounds July 2015 Noticeboards 2015(1).pdf
- Grant writing for informailer (1).docx
- GRN_SouthAfrica_SavetheDate_2016.pdf
- GSH Launch Invitation_Staff_30.9.14_VERSION2.pdf
- Guideline in event of lecture disruption - 20161002.pdf
- Gun Run 2015.jpg
- H3Africa Cardiovascular Disease in Africa Workshop.pdf
- H3Africa Genome Analysis Workshop_02 June.pdf
- H3Africa Genome Analysis Workshop_02 June(1).pdf
- HAICU Standing Against Stigma 2016 A4.pdf
- Hamilton Naki Clinical Scholarship Advert 2015.pdf
- Hamilton Naki Clinical Scholarship Advert 2015.pdf
- Hannah-Reeve Sanders Bioethics Lecture (2014).pdf
- Hannah-Reeve Sanders Bioethics Lecture (2014)(1).pdf
- Harambee Conference Programme 25Feb2015.pdf
- Harling_agedisparities presentation_3Oct2014.pdf
- Harling_agedisparities presentation_3Oct2014(1).pdf
- Harry Crossley Application Form 2014.docx
- Harry Crossley Application Form 2015.docx
- Harry Crossley Clinical Fellowships call.docx
- Harry Crossley Clinical Fellowships call.pdf
- HarryCrossleyFellowships-call 2015.pdf
- Harry Crossley FHS Postdoctoral Fellowships call.docx
- Harry Crossley FHS Postdoctoral Fellowships call.pdf
- HCT Counsellor_260716.doc
- HCT Counsellor_260716.pdf
- HEALTH-CARE SUMMIT programme.docx
- Health care users experience to unlock quality health services - Reflections on a three-year project.pdf
- Health ED Research DAY.jpg
- Health Education Research Day 2015.jpg
- Health Education Research Day 2015(1).jpg
- Health Education Research Day .pdf
- Health Education Research Day (1).pdf
- Health Education Research Day (2).pdf
- Health Educator_301116.pdf
- Health Educator.pdf
- Health Sciences 2015 Call for Research Output.pdf
- HealthSciences_PostGradBrochureFINAL.pdf
- HealthSciences_PostGradPosterFINAL.pdf
- Health Sciences Faculty Charter.docx
- Health Sciences July 2015 invitation.pdf
- Health Sciences July 2015 invitation.png
- Health Sciences June 2016 invitation.pdf
- HealthyLifestyle_LungHealth_PSG.pdf
- highlights.pdf
- HOAS Poster.pdf
- HOD advert 2014.pdf
- Homicide Colloquium - Draft programme 3&4 Sept.pdf
- Honours Open Day Poster 2017.png
- horizon2020.png
- How to extend your teaching to off campus.pdf
- How to submit your FHS AEC APR form using Submittable.pdf
- hr201.doc
- hsf-transparent200.png
- HSRC Womens Day Seminar.png
- HUB Demonstrator Training Workshop - 2 March 2017.pdf
- HUB-MCB Competition.jpg
- HUB-MCB Competition.pdf
- Human Biology Advert Final.pdf
- Human Biology Faciliators Advert.pdf
- Human Biology Faciliators Advert.pdf
- Human Biology Faciliators Advert.pdf
- Human Biology Faciliators Advert(1).pdf
- humanitec 2014-costs.xlsx
- Humanitec 2015 _costs.xlsx
- Humanitec 2015 _costs(1).xlsx
- HUMANITEC_call for proposals_Feb2014 (3).docx
- Humanitec digitisation proposal form.docx
- humanitec dig repository final.pdf
- Humanitec PROJECT PLAN.doc
- HVTN_Cape_Town_CFA_11March2015x.docx
- ias-2015.PNG
- IAVI Fellowship Program Administrator_101116.pdf
- ICAP advert for CPUT (1).DOCX
- IDM 10 years.jpg
- IDM_MSMC_draft programme_2014_08_21.docx
- IDM_PDFellowship_ApplicationForm.doc
- IDM_PDFellowship.pdf
- IDM celebrating Africa.jpg
- IDM discussion media invite proof.pdf
- IDM Mass Spectrometry MasterClass flyer.docx
- IDMMasters advertApprvd (002).pdf
- IDM seminar 24082016.jpg
- IDM seminars.jpg
- IDM Semnar
- IDM Symposium press release_FINAL.docx
- IDM Symposium press release_FINAL(1).docx
- iEngage-Interviewer-.pdf
- iEngage Interviewer Advert_rv.pdf
- IES Cape Town - Summer Health Lecturer - Job Ad - May 2017.pdf
- IGCS2014_capetown.pdf
- iHI_Flyer_A5_portrait.pdf
- iHI_Flyer_A5_portrait(1).pdf
- iHI_Flyer_A5_portrait(2).pdf
- IHI_Flyer_A5_portrait(3).pdf
- iHI_Flyer_A5_portrait(4).pdf
- IHI_Flyer_A5.pdf
- iHI Innovation Chats @ GSH Flyer.pdf
- IKS Seminar invitation.doc
- image001.png
- image002.png
- image002.png
- image002.png
- image003.jpg
- image003.png
- IMG-20150811-WA0006.jpg
- IMHOTEP meeting_advert_final.pdf
- IMHOTEP Programme 7 October 2016.docx
- Imperial College-University of Cape Town Global Health Fellows Programme - Advert for UCT Students 19 Mar 16.pdf
- Imperial College-University of Cape Town Global Health Fellows Programme - Advert for UCT Students 19 Mar 16(1).pdf
- Imperial-UCT GH Fellows Programme - Application form for UCT students.docx
- Imperial-UCT GH Fellows Programme - Application form for UCT students (Kathryn Wood)19 Mar 16.docx
- Imperial-UCT GH Fellows Programme - Application form for UCT students (Kathryn Wood)19 Mar 16.docx
- Imperial-UCT Global Health Fellows Programme - Detailed advert for UCT Students.pdf
- Impilo-Flyer-991.png
- Impilo Flyer.pdf
- Implementation Science invite - 14 Nov 2014.pdf
- Induction Refresher Course - Academic March 2015.pdf
- Info mailer ad_MMed_29 July 2015.docx
- Info mailer ad_MMed_2015.pdf
- Information flyer for policy processes 16-18 July 2014.pdf
- Information session_H3Africa_Aug 2016.docx
- Innovation in the health sciences seminar.pdf
- Institute on Aging_invitation.pdf
- Institute on Aging_invitation REV.pdf
- International Days - ICM ICN - May 2014.pdf
- International Faculty.pdf
- International Faculty(1).pdf
- Interview Meeting_Senior Lecturer Undergraduate_Obs and Gynae.doc
- Intrapartum Care Study Day synopsis.docx
- IntroAdvancedDataR.pdf
- Intro-Course-Lab-Animal-Science_UCT_November-2015.pdf
- INTS_2016.pdf
- Invitation 2.pdf
- Invitation_Forum on Research and Innovation Fellowship Programme.pdf
- Invitation_LAS 2017.pdf
- Invitation Disability and Social Inclusion Short course 11-13 February 2015.pdf
- Invitation Disability and Social Inclusion Short course 11-13 February 2015(1).pdf
- Invitation in excellence in teaching awards 2015.pdf
- Invitation March 2014.docx
- Invitation-Next Generation Researchers- Final .pdf
- Invitation- Prof Alexander Paterson Inaugural Lecture, 01 October 2014, Kramer Law Buidling LT1.pdf
- Invitation- Prof Andy Buffler _10 September 2014 - LT1, Kramer Law Building, Middle Campus_.pdf
- Invitation- Prof Jo Wilmshurst (30 July 2014) Student Learning Centre Lecture Theatre Anatomy Building.pdf
- Invitation- Prof Lee Wallis (02 April 2014) Student Learning Centre Lecture Theatre, Anatomy Building.pdf
- Invitation- Prof Loretta Feris (08 October 2014 - LT1, Kramer Law Building, Middle Campus).pdf
- Invitation to advocacy workshop.pdf
- Invitation to a Public Lecture on New Materials for the 21st Century.pdf
- Invitation to Child rights and child law short course - 1-5 September 2014.pdf
- Invitation to Child rights and child law short course - 1-5 September 2014(1).pdf
- Invitation to Clinical Research Supervisor-Nov14.pdf
- Invitation to Considering AIDS and Emotion.pdf
- Invitation to Delegates (UCT).pdf
- Invitation to Dialogue Thurs 10th November 2016 Klapmuts Community - 18h30.png
- Invitation to Open Access Week at UCT.pdf
- Invitation to Peter Orris Seminar_05 Oct 2015.pdf
- Invitation to Peter Orris Seminar_05 Oct 2015(1).pdf
- Invitation to The Women's Health Brunch - Free Ticket.jpg
- Invitation UCT DGEMBE.pdf
- invitation w speakers.jpg
- Invite for Right to Benefit from Sci Progress - Mar 2014.docx
- Invite for Right to Benefit from Sci Progress - Mar 2014.pdf
- Invite for Right to Benefit from Sci Progress - Mar 2015.docx
- ipad_in_health_sciences_5august.jpg
- ipad_in_health_sciences_5august.pdf.jpg
- ipad_in_health_sciences_Page_2_Page_1.jpg
- ipad_in_health_sciences Session1_22July.pdf
- IPMrelease_embargoed.pdf
- james reid.jpg
- JC_28July_Booth.pdf
- Job Evaluation - A guide to the UCT process of evaluating a job 2014.docx
- Judy Katzenellenbogen Invite.pdf
- KRITH_PostDoc_LeslieLab.pdf
- Kruks - The Politics of Privilege 2005.pdf
- Kumashiro - Against Repetition.pdf
- L'OREAL COMM FWIS 2015 poster.pdf
- lab closed.jpg
- Laboratory research assistantpost-Dept Psychiatry_SU_May2014.pdf
- Last call for abstracts-Pharmacogenetics Conference in Cape Town.pdf
- Late breaking abstracts[2].pdf
- Launch-seminar.jpeg
- Launch-Sports Science Orthopaedic Clinic.pdf
- LDR MDR TB scale up.pdf
- Leadership in Healthcare - 1st Announcement.pdf
- Leadership Invitation- 21-04-15 Faculty.pdf
- Letter from DHET Scholarship Management Office (UCT).pdf
- lianne-cremers.jpg
- LifeSkills_ItsOkToAskForHelp_PSG.pdf
- LIIU post doc ad_Jan2017.pdf
- List for Central HR.xlsx
- List of projects 2013.doc
- List of projects 2013(1).doc
- LOPI workshop.pdf
- Lunchtime Seminar invite.jpg
- Lynda Oct2014 second poster.jpg
- Malignant.jpg
- Mandela-Day-(2).png
- Mandela Day #Collect67.jpg
- mandela day poster 2015.jpg
- M and E Workshop Advert Final.docx
- M and E Workshop Advert Final.pdf
- Marlenee Pedreal. Restorative justice programs in higher education. January 2014.pdf
- Marshmallow Egg Poster.png
- Mary Bassett BlackLivesMatter NEJM Article.doc
- Master Class R on 24-26August2015.pdf
- MATA 2015 FINAL.doc
- May_HealthNewsFlash.pdf
- MBChB_30 SEPTEMBER 2016.docx
- MBChB UCT Clinical convener letter of objection.pdf
- MConf_documentation_Version_1_Jan_2016.pdf
- Mechanobiology of Inflammatory Heart Diseases.pdf
- med-humanities-05052016.jpg
- MEDIA RELEASE City Desired copy.pdf
- MEDIA RELEASE City Desired copy(1).pdf
- medical-humanities-2.jpg
- medical-humanities.jpg
- medical-humanities(1).jpg
- Medical Humanities in Africa 2014 Conference CFP.pdf
- Medical Humanities - Lecture 5 poster - low res for FB.jpg
- Medical negligence mediation training 2015.pdf
- medicine-arts.jpg
- Medico legal and substance abuse.docx
- Medleg promo_1.doc
- Medleg promo_1.pdf
- Medleg promo_1(1).doc
- Medleg promo_1(2).doc
- MedResDay_Abstract extension.pptx
- MedResDay_Abstract submission_deadline.png
- MedResDay_Abstract submission_deadline.pptx
- MedResDay_Call for abstracts.pdf
- MedResDay Advert_20aug2015.pdf
- MedResDay Advert_20aug2015.pptx
- MedResDay Advert_2016.pdf
- MedResDay Advert_2016(1).pdf
- Meet a genetic counsellor day.png
- MEG poster.pdf
- MEG poster(1).pdf
- MEG poster(2).pdf
- memorandum to faculty ministerial guidelines.pdf
- merchants of doubt.png
- michael-eddleston.jpg
- MicroMedA 2015 Participant invite_Aug 2015.pdf
- Micro-Med-A_2015_flyer.pdf
- Milnerton Playhouse Map.docx
- Mindfullness Talk.png
- Mindfulness meditation 2017.pdf
- Mindfulness meditation training 2016.pdf
- Mindfulness Talk.png
- mind the gap.png
- Miners shot down poster.pdf
- MIQE.jpg
- MISA - Building a Compassionate Community - Newsletter PDF.PDF
- MMed_Supervisors_Workshop - 21Oct2015.docx
- MMed Training Workshop 1 - May 2015.docx
- MRC president seminar invitation.pdf
- MRC president seminar invitation(1).pdf
- MRC SHIP PhD advert.pdf
- MRD2016_Abstracts submission template.docx
- MRD2016_Abstracts submission template(1).docx
- MRD2016_Abstracts submission template(2).docx
- MRD2016_Abstracts submission template(3).docx
- MRD2016_savethedate.pdf
- MRD2016_savethedate(1).pdf
- MRI-scanner.jpg
- MSc_Neurology_May 2016.pdf
- MSc_PhD-PostDoc-positions_2016_PGx.pdf
- MSc_PhD-PostDoc-positions_2016_PGx(1).pdf
- MSCapp2017.doc
- MSc-PhD advert 2015-DK.pdf
- MSc-PhD in Immunology.JPG
- MSc student ad for cough project (2014).pdf
- NAOP Registration Form.docx
- NAOP Registration Form.pdf
- National_Health_Insurance_White_Paper_10Dec2015.pdf
- National Certificate in Management (RPL).pdf
- National Health Research Ethics Council pfd final April 2015.pdf
- Nearly Live Workshop Announcement revised program The Hilton.pdf
- nehawu.png
- Nelson_Mandela_Day_Poster.jpg
- Neuroscience invite_FINAL.pdf
- NewBrochure_edited.pdf
- New DHET policy.pdf
- NHI Flyer.png
- NHI talk by Minister of Health 26 March 2014.pdf
- nhrcform.pdf
- nhrc members.pdf
- nih.jpg
- nih(1).jpg
- NIH biosketch 5 pages Nov 7, 2016.pdf
- nih funding.jpg
- Nomination form for PASS STAFF on Selection Committee for Dean Feb 2015.docx
- Nomination form for PASS STAFF pc 5 to 8 on Selection Committee for Dean April 2015.docx
- nominationform MRC 2015.doc
- Noon Notice _31 July 2014.pdf
- Notice 120416 (002).pdf
- Notice - Introductory Course in Laboratory Animal Science at UCT_November 2014.pdf
- Notice - Introductory Course in Laboratory Animal Science - UCT - April 2015.pdf
- Notice - Introductory Course in Laboratory Animal Science - UCT - November 2015.pdf
- Notice - Introductory Course on Laboratory Animal Science at UCT_May 2014.pdf
- Notice - New FHS electronic C1 form(2).docx
- Notice - New FHS electronic C1 form(3).docx
- Notification letter - 7 March 2016.pdf
- November Exams 2015.pdf
- NRF-BSP-Scholarships-Cardiac-Remodelling-RHD-2017.pdf
- NRF-BSP-Scholarships-Cardiac-Remodelling-RHD-2017.pdf
- NRF Call for Applications.docx
- NRF-MRC_Health_Masters_and_Doctoral_Scholarship_Call_2015.pdf
- NRF-MRC_Health_Masters_and_Doctoral_Scholarship_Call_2015(1).pdf
- NRF Sabbatical grant nomination-Mar2014.docx
- NRF Sabbatical grant nomination-Mar2015.docx
- NRF SREP call_FHS pre-proposal template.docx
- nuclear-medicine-workshop-3-oct-2014.jpg
- Nutrition_ReduceYourSaltIntake_PSG.pdf
- NVivo11 Session Outline 2016.pdf
- NVivo11 Session Outline 2016(1).pdf
- nvivo training.png
- Occupy FHS Student Statement - 25 Sep 2016.pdf
- Oncology 2014 - Registration Form.pdf
- Open Day poster for Hons 2015.pdf
- Open invitation to March 16 workshop_v2.pdf
- Operational GuidelinesMinisterial Consent _Final_ Feb 2015 [LH].pdf
- Operations Administrator_020217.pdf
- Optimized-2015.06.02+Prof+B+Bloom.jpg
- Option 1n.pdf
- OR App Form.doc
- Outliers-Invitation-600.jpg
- Outliers Invitation.jpg
- Outreach Worker_170616.pdf
- Outreach worker.pdf
- OUTsurance KFM Gun Run Entry Form.pdf
- P3379ClinicalTrialsWEB_Page_1.jpg
- P3379ClinicalTrialsWEB.pdf
- Paediatrics and Child Health Research Days 2015 - 1st Announcement.pdf
- Paolo_Vicini_Chemistry_seminar_advert.pdf
- Pathology Invite for 9 March 2016.pdf
- pathology-seminar-12 May 2016.pdf
- Pathology Thursday Seminar 9 June 2016.pdf
- PathXLDemo22April2015.pdf
- PBTW - 1st Announcement 2014 final.pdf
- PBTW -2nd Announcement 2014.pdf
- PBTW 2014 Prov Program v3.pdf
- PBTW 2016 Programme as at 27 July 2016.pdf
- PBTW -info flyer.pdf
- Peer Group Trainer_301116.pdf
- Peer Navigator_071216.pdf
- Performance Standards Document 2014.docx
- Performance Standards Document 2015.docx
- PgDip Addictions Care Ad for 2015.pdf
- PG Dip brochure.pdf
- PG Dip HPE.png
- PgDip poster4Nov015.pdf
- PgDip poster25June2015.pdf
- PGSA29Aug.jpg
- Pharmacist_250117.pdf
- Pharmacogenetics conference program-final.pdf
- Pharmacy Forum Flyer 2015.pdf
- Pharmacy Forum Flyer_April 2015.png
- Pharmacy Forum Flyer_April 2016.pdf
- Pharmacy Forum Flyer_January 2015.jpg
- Pharmacy Forum Flyer_January 2015.pdf
- Pharmacy Forum Flyer_July 2014.pdf
- Pharmacy Forum Flyer_July 2016.pdf
- Pharmacy Forum Flyer_October 2015.pdf
- Pharmacy Forum Flyer July 2015.pdf
- Pharmacy Training_Feb March 2015.pdf
- PHD2app2017.doc
- PhD Fellowship advert - March 15.pdf
- PHD Fellowship - Biomass and immunity-updated.pdf
- PHD Fellowship - Biomass and Pulmonary Immunity.pdf
- Phenotype MicroArrays Overview by Dr Barry Bochner, Biolog, USA.pdf
- Physicians 2016.jpg
- Physicians 2016.pdf
- Physicians 2016(1).jpg
- physicians2016-save-the-date-printA5.pdf
- Physiology at the Extremes.doc
- Phys programme 2016 8Dec15.pdf
- Phys programme 2016 19Jan16.pdf
- Phys programme 2016.pdf
- Policy on Conflict of Interest as approved by Council.docx
- Poliomyelitis Research Foundation Guidelines 2014(1).docx
- Poliomyelitis Research Foundation Guidelines 2014(2).docx
- post doc ad_Oct 2016_ruth.docx
- Post doc advert Allergy Clin Immunol copy_final_JP.pdf
- Post-doc DCV XDR project final.pdf
- Post-doc DCV XDR project final(1).pdf
- PostdocFellowship-3D-reconstruction March 2016 (1).pdf
- PostdocFellowship-MedicalImaging Jun2016.docx
- PostdocFellowship-MedicalImaging Jun2016(1).docx
- Post-doc position 2015.pdf
- Post doctoral ad 23 02 16.pdf
- Post Doctoral Fellowship Silica-tuberculosis.pdf
- Post doctoral position-immunology.pdf
- Post Doctoral Research Fellow 13 04 16.pdf
- Poster_Complementary mug_ 15July InfoMailer.pdf
- Poster_Complementary mug_ August.pdf
- Poster_Complementary mug_ August(1).pdf
- Poster_Complementary mug_ July.pdf
- poster_realfund.pdf
- poster for concert.jpg
- Poster IASSS.jpg
- Poster PG Dip Interdisc Pain Manage.pdf
- PostgradAdvert-MScPhD-Immunology.pdf
- Potter Seminar Invitation_BAFOKENG MPETA.pdf
- powerpoint.jpg
- PPI funding_AUG2015.docx
- PPI funding_AUG2016.docx
- PPI funding_JUNE2016.docx
- PPI funding_MAY2015.docx
- PPI funding_Nov 2016.docx
- PPI funding_Nov 2016.docx
- PPI funding_OCT2015.docx
- PPI funding call closing date 6 June 2014.docx
- PPI funding call closing date 6 June 2014(1).docx
- PPI funding call submission date 8 August 2014.docx
- PPI funding call submission date 8 August 2014(1).docx
- PPI funding call submission date 27 October 2014.docx
- Practical Course onPPIs UCT2015.pdf
- Practice manageradDec2016_JP.docx
- Pre-Final programme 6th Clinical Sport and Exercise Medicine Conference_8 October 2014.pdf
- Preliminary prog_International Neurotrauma 2016.pdf
- preliminary programme revised 30 April 2014.pdf
- PreparingforNextGenerationSequencingDataAnalysis101-final.pdf
- Presenter 8 Sept.pdf
- Presenter 28 July.pdf
- Presenter.pdf
- Press Release of Health Care Summit 18 February 2014.docx
- Preventing Violence-international-conference.png
- Prof Gersh - 4 May 2016.pdf
- profmarkcotton_seminar.jpg
- Prof Yellon - 6 May 2016.pdf
- Prof Yiping Li talk 2015 (2).docx
- Programme_ Expert Witness Workshop_Feb 2014.docx
- Programme_NSW.pdf
- Programme nov2014.pdf
- programme SAAHE wendy 2014.docx
- programme SAAHE wendy 2014(1).docx
- Programme v2.png
- Project Coordinator_251016.pdf
- Project Coordinator_251016.pdf
- Project coordinator_NGAP_advert Sept 2016.doc
- Project Management in Clinical Trials Forum Flyer_April 2015.pdf
- Project Manager_140916.pdf
- Project Manager_220816.doc
- Project Purchaser_11032016.pdf
- Protect yourself against flu this winter.pdf
- PSG_CandlelightMemorialDay.pdf
- PSG_ManagingFatigue.pdf
- PSG_RoadSafety.pdf
- PSG_StopSmoking.pdf
- PSG_UpYourExercise.pdf
- PSG_WorkLifeBalance.pdf
- PSG Health Newsflash February 2015.pdf
- psychiatry-lecture.png
- PTY6001W course requirements 2016.pdf
- PTY6001W Request for information from prospective students.doc
- Pub Helath 01:08.png
- Publication count handbook 2016-17.docx
- Public Health 10 July meeting - combining apples and oranges.pdf
- Public Health 10 July meeting - combining apples and oranges(1).pdf
- public health 11 august.png
- public health 15 Sep.png
- Public Health 18 August.png
- Public Health 18 August(1).png
- public health 22 august.png
- public health 23 june 2016.png
- public health 28 july 2016.png
- PublicHealthBoulePhD2016final.docx
- Public Health Family Medicine - Research Day.png
- Public Health noon meeting 18 February 2016.png
- Public Health noon meeting 30 June.png
- public health seminar - 21 July.png
- Public Health Seminar 07072016.png
- Pub Quiz advertisement.pdf
- Pub Quiz advertisement(1).pdf
- Pub Quiz advertisement(2).pdf
- Pub Quiz advertisement(3).pdf
- Pulm Flyer.pdf
- Pulm Flyer(1).pdf
- Pulm Flyer(2).pdf
- Pulmonology 2015.png
- Pulmonology 050814 - Reg Form.doc
- pulmonology.png
- pulmonology update 2015.png
- Pulmonology Update Flyer.pdf
- Qualitative Forum Flyer_April 2015.pdf
- Qualitative Forum Flyer_July 2015.pdf
- Qualitative Forum Flyer_Nov2015.pdf
- Qualitative Study Coordinator_250117.pdf
- Qualitative Study Coordinator_300117.pdf
- R4R Poster 2014.jpg
- R4R Poster 2014.pdf
- R4R Poster 2014(1).pdf
- R178 Regulations on microbiological laboratories.pdf
- R181 Regulations relating to import and export 181.pdf
- Rajshekhar UCT 2015.pdf
- REC 7.pdf
- Receptionist Masi_070916.pdf
- Recruitment and Retention Officer 020117.pdf
- REDCap for Data Capturers_20160308.jpg
- REDCap for Data Capturers_20160308.pdf
- REDCap for Data Capturers_20160308(1).pdf
- REDCap for Data Capturers_20160906.pdf
- REDCap for Data Managers_20160801.pdf
- REDCap for Data Managers_20160920.pdf
- REDCap for Designers_20160209.pdf
- REDCap for Designers_20160913.pdf
- red carpet session.pdf
- Registered Nurse_071216.pdf
- Registration form 2015 - Medical negligence mediation training.pdf
- Registration Form_Intro to LAS 2017.pdf
- Registration Form_Intro to LAS 2017.pdf
- Registration Form_Intro to LAS 2017.pdf
- Registration Form_Intro to LAS 2017.pdf
- Registration form_NOV 2014.docx
- Registration Form - FEC.DOCX
- Registration form March 2014.docx
- Reminder re gift vouchers.docx
- Replacement of water meter at Medical Residence.pdf
- Research Assistant_0045.pdf
- Research Day 2014.pdf
- Research day advert_extension 1 Sep 2015.pdf
- Research day advert_extension.pdf
- Research Day and Cuthbert Crichton Invitation.pdf
- Research Day Invitation 09 September 2016 final.doc
- Research Day Invitation 09 September 2016 final.pdf
- Research Day Invitation 16 August 2016 final.doc
- Research Day Invitation 16 August 2016 final.pdf
- Research Day Invitation 16 August.png
- Research Day Invitation 18 July 2016.doc
- Research Day Invitation 19 July 2016.pdf
- Research Day Invitation 31 August 2016 final.doc
- Research Day invitation.pdf
- Research Day Notification 1.doc
- Research Day Poster for printing advertising CPD points.pdf
- Research Day Poster for printing advertising CPD points FINAL-5 OCT.pdf
- Research Day Programme 17 September 2015.pdf
- research day programme 2014.docx
- Research Day Programme 2016.pdf
- Research-Nurse_120516-3.pdf
- Research Nurse_200117.pdf
- Research Nurse_241116.pdf
- Research Nurse_300616.pdf
- Research Nurse_300616(1).pdf
- Research Officer Lecturer level_revised zm 23102014.doc
- Research prorities for Rooibos 20160912.pdf
- Research prorities for Rooibos 20160912.pdf
- Research Seminar Invitation-HB.pdf
- resized poster.jpg
- Rheumatic Heart Disease Genetics Study.pdf
- Rheumatic Heart Disease Genetics Study(1).pdf
- Rise Club Mentor.pdf
- Robohand Blurb Ct Visit.doc
- Robohand Invite to Q and A Sessions.doc
- RSN Poster 2.jpg
- Run for Rural.pdf
- ruth marguerite.png
- Sabbatical Grants_Framework_2016_FINAL_.pdf
- Sabbatical Grants_Framework_.pdf
- saem-abstract-scoring-2015_final_klf.pdf
- SAGE Summit Save the date announcement - final November 2015.pdf
- SA Global Health Network meeting_22Sept2015_Final.pdf
- SAHR_2015_16 Call for Chapters.pdf
- SAHR_2015_16 Call for Chapters(1).pdf
- SAMA Bursary application forms 016 for 017.docx
- SAMA Bursary information 016 for 017.docx
- SAMA PhD Scholarship Advert 016 for 017.docx
- SAMA PhD Scholarship ApplForm MN.docx
- SAMA Research Masters Advert.dotx
- SAMA Research Masters appl form 016 for 017.doc
- Samples of SSM projects(2).docx
- Samples of SSM projects(3).docx
- SAPA_and_SAAPS_2016_provisional_programme.pdf
- SAPA_SAAPS_2016_full_congress_registration_formlate_fee.pdf
- SAPA_SAAPS_2016_workshop_registration_formlate_fees.pdf
- SAPA-advert.jpg
- SARUA 2014 annual report (3).pdf
- SashaMasterclassInvite.pdf
- SASSIT course.jpg
- SATA Conference 2015.png
- SATS-2016-Registration-Open-portrait-12.jpg
- SATS Accommodation Form.doc
- SATS-banner.png
- SATS Registration Form.doc
- SATS-SASSM Congress.jpg
- SAVE_THE_DATE__2_.pdf
- Save the Date.pdf
- SaveTheDate.pdf
- SAVE THE DATE Evidence to Action.jpg
- SaveTheDate-Medicine-Research-Day.jpg
- SAVE THE DATE Special Olympics Healthy Communities Conference 30 Nov - 1 Dec 2015.jpg
- SAYAS_SCISOC2015_invitation.jpg
- SAYAS_SCISOC2015_invitation(1).jpg
- SAYAS_SISOC2015_Programme.pdf
- SAYAS Call for New Member Nominations Letter 2015.pdf
- SAYAS invitation.pdf
- SAYAS New Member Nomination Form 2015.doc
- Scan-to-Me from 2015-12-03 095341.pdf
- SCD Seminar.pdf
- Scentific Officer Performance Standards Document 2015.docx
- Schlumberger Foundation Call for Applications 2015-2016 Faculty for the Future Fellowships.pdf
- Scholarship application form Sem 2 2015.pdf
- Scientific and Technical Officers Promotions Process 2015.doc
- SCTA 2016 advert.docx
- SecondTaskTeam-FinalReport4October2016.pdf
- Seminar 1 2015.doc
- seminar 2 2nd June announcement and invitation.pdf
- seminar 2 2nd June announcement and invitation(1).pdf
- seminar 2 2nd June announcement and invitation(2).pdf
- seminar.png
- seminar-dean.jpg
- Seminar invite Zulfah Albertyn.pdf
- Seminar notice Rodney Douglas.docx
- seminar-prof-richard-cohen.png
- Seminar Rhian Touyz 2014.pdf
- Seminar Rhian Touyz 2014(1).pdf
- SEMINAR SERIES - April - Prof Elmi Muller.pdf
- SEMINAR SERIES - Feb - Dr Karen Shires.pdf
- SEMINAR SERIES Jonny Peter.docx
- SEMINAR SERIES Jonny Peter.pdf
- SEMINAR SERIES Prof monika Esser.pdf
- SEMINAR SERIES Zunaid Barday.pdf
- Senior Lecturer nominations 2014.doc
- Senior Research Counsellor_180117.pdf
- senior scientist post_Jan2017 Antrum Biotech.pdf
- Senior Study Coordinator_201016.pdf
- Senior Study Coordinator_300117.pdf
- September 2016 Transformation Month Programme_Final.pdf
- Serious Human Health Impacts - ACDI Seminar.pdf
- Shavathon-poster-2015.png
- Show&Tell_6Sept2016_final.jpg
- Show&Tell.png
- Sign-up for HUB1006F Practicals, Semester 1 of MBChB - 2016.doc
- SIHI_22Oct_Event_Email.pdf
- SKM_28715111503340.pdf
- SKM_C284e15042812400.pdf
- SKMBT_28315072409540.pdf
- SL Advert_Final.doc
- SLG Statement - DAC FoHS.pdf
- SL HR191 Job description.pdf
- Slide1.jpg
- Smoking cessation Symposium 31-October2014 _flyer.pdf
- Smoking cessation Symposium 31-October2104 _flyer.pdf
- SO_TO promotions PROCESS 2014.doc
- Social Auxiliary Worker.pdf
- Social Auxiliary Worker.pdf
- Social Auxiliary Worker.pdf
- Social Behavioural Scientist_170116.pdf
- Social Behavioural Scientist_211116.pdf
- Social Media and Program Administrator_141116.pdf
- Social Science Interviewer_250117.pdf
- Social Science Interviewer_300117.pdf
- Social Worker_231116.pdf
- Socio - Behavioural Scientist_141116.pdf
- Socio Behavioural Scientist revised.doc
- Socio Behavioural Scientist revised(1).doc
- Solly Marks Memorial Lecture-Paul Fockens (2).pdf
- SO Performance Standards Document 2014.docx
- SOPHFM_Paneldiscussion_13Mar14_FINAL.doc
- Soul Buddyz_241116.pdf
- Soul Buddyz_301116.pdf
- South Africa India Joint HIV TB RFA.pdf
- South African Homicide Research Colloquium.png
- South African Immunology Society Conference poster 2016.pdf
- South African Vascular Ultrasound Course 2014 Advert.pdf
- South African Vascular Ultrasound Course 2014 advert programme.pdf
- South African Vascular Ultrasound Course 2015 Advert.pdf
- South African Vascular Ultrasound Course 2015 registration form.docx
- South African Young Academy of Science- Background Information.pdf
- Special Seminar 2015.06.01 Prof Barry Bloom HSPH-page-001.jpg
- SPHFM Research Day Invitation 2015.pdf
- SPHFM Research Day Programme 17 September 2015.png
- SPHFM Research Day Programme_9.9.2014.pdf
- SPHFM Research Day Programme_9.9.2014(1).pdf
- sport-science-othopaedic-clinic-programme.pdf
- SRC_Transformation_Month.pdf
- SS#3 iHI_Flyer_A5_portrait.pdf
- SSA exam off campus STD RESPONSES.docx
- SSM Human Ethics Review Process.pdf
- SSM Human Ethics Review Process(1).pdf
- SSM Template(1).docx
- SSM Template(2).docx
- Staff for Social Justice in Education .pdf
- Statistical Support from CRC.pdf
- Stats Course.docx
- STOA+AGM+2015+map+jammie+shuttle+times.pdf
- StSt Single-cam call for proposals Nov 2015.pdf
- Student advert - Jan 2015 -final.pdf
- Student exams Statement - UCT Deans Advisory Committee Faculty of Health Sciences 27 Oct 2015.pdf
- students.pdf
- Study-Coordinator _250117.pdf
- Study Coordinator - Emavundleni .pdf
- Study Coordinator - Emavundleni.pdf
- Study Information Leaflet .pdf
- Substance abuse training promo.docx
- Substance abuse training promo(1).docx
- Substance abuse training promo(2).docx
- Supervisor.pdf
- Swartz and Scott 2012.pdf
- Swiss SA Bioinformatics Workshop.pdf
- Swiss SA Symposium on pathogen genomics.pdf
- Talking Taboos Invitation.pdf
- TB_know_the_facts_PSG.pdf
- TB App Form 2015 revised.doc
- TB Course.pdf
- TB Course Advert.jpg
- TB Dx course flyer.pdf
- TDR_Call-Training-Institutions-grants2015.pdf
- Tech Comm Course Lab2Market 2016 Programme.pdf
- Technical Officer Performance Standards Document 2015.docx
- technician post_Jan2017 Antrum Biotech.pdf
- Technology Comercial Course Invitation - Final.pdf
- Technology Commercialisation Course from Lab to Market 2016.pdf
- Tell us your medical stories! (2).pdf
- Thabane research workshops.pdf
- Thandi Pullup_final small.pdf
- The Public Participation and Petitions Masterclass Aaron 2015.pdf
- Thursday forum 23 July 2015.pdf
- Thursday Forum.pdf
- Thuthuka Programme Info 2015.docx
- Time off request General Members meeting 24 June 2015.pdf
- Time off request Shop stewards and Union Members.pdf
- TLA+Advert+2015_2.pdf
- TLA Advert 2015(2).pdf
- TLA Full Detailed Ad 2016.pdf
- TLA Full Detailed Ad 2016(1).pdf
- TLA Full Detailed Ad 2016(2).pdf
- TLA Full Detailed Ad 2016(3).pdf
- TLA Full Detailed Ad 2017.pdf
- TLA Full Detailed Ad 2017 Mod 2.pdf
- TLA Full Detailed Ad - New.pdf
- TLA Full Detailed Ad - New(1).pdf
- TLA Full Detailed Ad - New (2).pdf
- TLA Full Detailed Ad - New - Module 2.pdf
- TLA Full Detailed Ad - New - Module 2(1).pdf
- TLA Full Detailed Ad - New - Module 2(2).pdf
- TLA Full Detailed Ad - New - Module 2(3).pdf
- TLA Full Detailed Ad - New - Module 2(4).pdf
- TO Performance Standards Document 2014.docx
- ToR for High end infrastructure_1 August 2016.pdf
- Training Workshop GRACE_CEE.pdf
- Transciber_130516-1.pdf
- TransformationLecture_PHAKENG_20.09.2016.pdf
- twas-lenovo_prize_2014_nominfo.doc
- twas-lenovo_prize_2014_nominfo(1).doc
- twas-lenovo-prize-2014-nomination.doc
- twas-lenovo-prize-2014-nomination(1).doc
- UCT_HotelAdvertorial_PRINT.pdf
- UCT.pdf
- UCT Cocktail Invite 25 Feb.jpg
- UCT Division of Disability Studies Short Course - Disability Inclusive Development 18-20 Nov 2015.pdf
- UCT Division of Disability Studies Short Course - Reason, Record, Communicate and Disseminate Disability Information 10-12 Nov 2015.pdf
- UCT Flow User Meeting_V2.pdf
- UCT Flow User Meeting_V2 (2).pdf
- ucthealthcampus-map.pdf
- UCThoriz_logo1_CMYK.jpg
- uct-logo.png
- UCT Lung Institute Research doctor advert.pdf
- UCT Mindful Practice Lecture.pdf
- UCT panel_STposter.CURVES14oct.jpg
- UCT Presentation July 2016.pptx
- uctrf.jpg
- UCT-US Human Rights Day event Basson 2014.pdf
- umaps-brochure2016_sm.pdf
- Undergraduate Research Day 2015 - Extended Deadline.pdf
- Univeristy of Cape Town's Rural Support Network - Sponsorship Letter.pdf
- Univeristy of Cape Town's Rural Support Network - Sponsorship Letter.pdf
- Univeristy of Cape Town's Rural Support Network - Sponsorship Letter(1).pdf
- University of Cape Town.pdf
- urc-funding-opportunities-2016.pdf
- vacancy - Senior Scientist EHRU - (R959).docx
- VACFA-10thAAVC-2014.pdf
- VACFA-10thAAVC-2014(1).pdf
- Valedictory Reminder.JPG
- van ende lecture.jpeg
- Viola Vogel HUB Seminar May 2016 rev01.pdf
- virology africa 2015 First Announcement final - Call for Abstracts.pdf
- VISITING LECTURER Prof Michael Anthony Samuel, University of KwaZulu-Natal, school of Education revised.pdf
- VISITING LECTURER Prof Michael Anthony Samuel, University of KwaZulu-Natal, school of Education revised.pdf
- Vitality Nutrition Assessment.pdf
- Vula ABC 5.pdf
- vula-abc.jpg
- vula-abc(1).jpg
- VZS panel invite_FINAL.jpg
- Wareham - Exploring diverse ethics - Pre-draft - Refs Incomplete.pdf
- WCD_BreastCancerTalk_6thFeb.pdf
- Wear RED.jpg
- Wear RED.pdf
- Wellness Fair Invitation 2014.pdf
- Wellness Fair Invitation.pdf
- What the Co-op can & cannot help with.docx
- Why The Brain Matters Colloquium advert.pdf
- Winter school.jpg
- WinterSchoolA4Flyer02.pdf
- WISA CALL for nominations 2016 April 2016 FINAL (TS 4).doc
- wmhd-2015.jpg
- WMS Mega Blood Drive 2016.jpg
- Wolfson Memorial Lecture poster.pdf
- Women's day event 2014.pdf
- Women's day event 2014(1).pdf
- Women's day event 2014(2).pdf
- Women's day event 2014(3).pdf
- Women in Science 2015.pdf
- WOMENS DAY 2016 talk.png
- Womens day event 2014.pdf
- Womens day event 2014(1).pdf
- Workshop_Program - Essentials_for_the _Clinical _Research_Supervisor_Apr16.docx
- Workshop_Program - MMedSupervisor_Aug16.pdf
- Workshop_Registration_form_MMedRes.docx
- Workshop ad_MMed_29 July 2015.pdf
- Workshop Description.pdf
- Workshop programme.docx
- Workshop Registration form.docx
- Workshop Registration form(1).docx
- World Cancer Day 2015 announcement with map.docx
- World Cancer Day 2015 announcement with map(1).docx
- world-cancer-day-2016.png
- World Heart Day_29thSept.pdf
- Write Science 2015.pdf
- Write Science 2017.pdf
- Writing Lab Launch Invitation.png
- YA Nomination Form_2015.doc
- YPL 2014 FLYER.pdf